The Autumn Hunt

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Whistling. In the distance. The far distance. The moon invisible behind black clouds of heavy rain, falling from the trees in small mock rivers, giving an ambient noise to every minute sound. Lu could understand however. Lu knew. He lay hidden in between 2 huge oaks with briars connecting them like a gate, the thorns no less than blades of grass in his eyes, as he crouched still, waiting for the next whistle. 

The surrounding forest of hardwoods, along with the weather dampened a host of noises from the underbrush, and if Lu was human, he would not have heard the second whistle. Alas, he is not human. Darting in the direction of the second whistle with the speed of a loosed arrow, the time for sublety was over. In the distance he could hear Morr flying at a similar speed, which put a smile on Lu's angular face for the first time in years. His beautiful wife of centurys had not been able to match him in strength or speed for a long time, ever since Cian was born. It was uplifting to see her recover.

Their pray let out a startled yelp of surprise at the fast approaching pair, and hightailed it in the direction neither were coming from. Alas, the irish stag, standing over 10 ft tall, had no idea that the second child of Lu was waiting in ambush. Ealga burst from the ground right underneath the deers neck, latching on with tooth and claw. Her fierce but beautiful yellow eyes, along with her thin, lithe body, high cheekbones, and blood red hair made her dangerously beautiful. It did not take long for the deer to fall before her. The proud Lu strode over to where his daughter had completed her first proper kill, as she lay wrapped around the hugh deers neck, savouring every sweet drop of blood that flowed into her mouth. At the sound of others approaching, her eyes shot open, and she detached herself from the creatures neck, snapping it with her hands after doing so.

"Well done Ealga. An Irish Stag is dangerous prey, and you took him down with ease" said Morr, clearly full of pride for her daughters first kill. Morr had the fiery red hair of the irish, with piercing green eyes, a thin frame and long delicate hands. She was known as the Dearg Due to humans in the years of her youth, however has faded into legend after meeting Lu.

Stony faced Lu gave a nod of approval. Lu was not orignally from Ireland, with his pointy nose, long straight black hair, almost tanned skin and dangerous blood red eyes. His past a mystery to all but Morr, he rarely let emotion show on his severe face. Ealga lit up at this small hint of validation from Lu, but in an instant it was gone, wrapped beneath layers of nobility and pride. 

"Ealga, carry him back to the castle now, this should do for a week or so, if Cian keeps himself in check."

A swift nod from Ealga was all that was needed, as she started dragging the carcass back in the direction of the castle, at least 20 kilometers away. There was no arguing with Lu. 

"The deer are getting scarce, Lu. Im afraid there wont be any more left in a few years." 

Morr made a good point. This was the first Irish stag  they had found in a few months, where once they had been teeming all over the forest. Lu's red eyes gave nothing away, but he knew the cause of this. A new human settlement had sprung up over to the east of their great forest over the last few years. Lu had been keeping an eye on them as they grew, and noticed that they had particular interest in the deers antlers and fur, trapping much more of  the deer than the peaceful settlement to the west of them. Something would have to be done about that, he silently declared. Too much humans was bad for the animals, and the land.

"Come, let us head home. Cian is probably starving by now, and Dagda will be dying to see how we got on."

They strolled together in the direction of the castle, toward the mountain to the south.

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