Chapter 5

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Katie's P.O.V

at the moment i was driving to matts house because he invited me round so we could hang out. i was blasting the radio and bobbing along to the music that was coming out of it.

i pull up outside matts house and get out my car locking it in the process, i walk up to his front door and just as I'm about to knock on it, it flys open with matt behind offering me a big cheesy grin.

"your a dork" i laughed whilst walking in.

"you love me" he said throwing his arm over my shoulder and smiling at me

"not sure i do, but if that makes you happy then sure" i reply trying to keep a straight face but failing and grinning back at matt.

"so what are we doing today" I ask Matt

"ummm netflix duh" he said raising his eyebrows and heading down to the basement where he has his projector and REALLY comfy sofas

"duh how could i be that stupid" i said face palming myself and being over dramatic with my words.

"your not funny katie" matt shrugged whilst turning on his projector and i go and grab some blankets.

"um excuses me" i said raising an eyebrow at matt and throwing the blankets on the L shaped sofa. i look at matt and see him grinning slightly.

"come sit" i hollered at matt and patting the space next to me, he had already got the necessaries like sweets and popcorn.   "calm down I'm coming" i said laughing and sitting next to me under the blankets. Mat put on white chicks because we both love that film and never get bored of it.

We were at the bit where that guy is singing 'A Thousand Miles', we had already laughed a million times this film but this bit was all ways the funniest. Matt and I started singing it too each other whilst laughing in bettween. Mat was doing that little head shake intake to the music which made me laugh even more.

When that bit finished we were both calming down from our laughing fits.

We relaxed again and continued watching the film. My phone started ringing and matt turned to me with a stern face. he closed his eyes, raising his eyebrows and breathed out, making me chuckle a tad.

"katie, is that your phone i hear ringing" he said calmly "no" i said stretching out the word

matt opened his eyes and continued raising one eyebrow at me, he scanned the sofa and spotted my phone. his eyes darted up to mine, making eye contact before both of our eyes went to my phone. at the same time we both pounced for my phone.

"no matt" i said laughing whilst fighting for my phone. Matt was straddling me trying to snatch my phone from my hands. He won making my arms flop by the sides of my head.

"hello Katie's phone, Matthew Lee Espinsoa speaking" matt answered in his best posh British accent.

"are you trying mimiking me" i whispered whilst laughing. "shush little one I'm on the phone" i whispered back in a British accent again whilst covering the bottom of the phone with his hand. i just laughed at him and let him continue.

"uhuh, ummm, yes she is" he hummed into my phone. "its for you he said passing me the phone"

"thank you matt" i thanked taking my phone. "hello" i said
"hey" neves voice rang through "was matt mimicking us?" she asked confussed

"I'm not sure" i said shaking my head and sitting up causing mat to fall back a bit considering he was still on my lap. he climbed of and sat by my side like before. "anyways whats up?" i asked fiddling with a bit of loose thread on my top.

"ok I'm just going to come out with it" she said almost to herself.
"what is it" i asked getting worried

"ok, just say it, bam its over with, done" she was whispering
"Neve tell me" i said sternly. i heard Neve take a deep breath "cameroniscomingtothewedding" she said really fast and high-pitched.
"wait, wait what" i said shaking my head "say it slower and space out the words"

"ok..... cameron is coming to the wedding"

my whole body froze. "what" i chocked out hoping i heard her wrong.

"yeah, i know and I'm sorry but him and nash are best friends" she sighed.

"but they haven't seen or spoken to each other in four years after cameron just left him there, this isn't happening please tell me this is a joke Neve" i asked sternly.
"its not a joke Katie, I'm sorry Nash wanted him to come and its his wedding day as well, and if he wants him there he can have him there."

"no, no i understand that" i said quickly. "its just i don't know if I'm ready to see him" i confessed.

"i know, thats why we will make sure you two do not cross paths at anytime, ok" she said reassuringly.

"yeah ok" i

"ok i have to go but i will speak to you later ok?"

"yeah ok, bye" i said then hang up the phone and let my hand fall to my lap.

"whats happened' matt asked worriedly. "Cameron is coming to Nash and Neves wedding". i sighed looking down

"oh my god" mat breathed out. "are you ok with that" he asked me.

"its not really place to say is it". "don't worry i'll be there" he said hugging me. "you can go see him if you want, i know you want to" he said looking up at him.

he just smiled at me and played back in the sofa. "ready to continue?" he asked referring to the film. i looked up and grinned getting back in my position.   "yes" i smiled and faced to screen.

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