Part 9

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I woke up the next morning and thought to myselfwelp. Today's the day we're hanging out with them. Unless they cancel again. I won't be surprised if they do. They were coming over at 1 and Kara was coming over at 12 and sleeping over. I texted Kara asking if she had any concealer that would match my skin tone. I was developing a pimple on my lip directly underneath my septum. It's literally the worst place to get a pimple and I needed to cover it up. Kara showed up at 12 and gave me her lightest concealer. 

"It's too light for me but it'll probably be too dark for you." I put some on my hand and sure enough, it was too dark. Wow being this pale is so convenient. I turned to Kara and asked "Is it really that noticeable?" It took her a minute before saying "I could barely see it. You're fine." Kara was always dead honest so I knew I could trust her. After we made sure that we looked presentable, we sat on my bed and used my laptop and took pictures in photobooth. It was just a little after 1 when my phone rang. 

"Who is it? Is it Robby?" Kara asked. I nodded and picked up the phone. Kara put her ear close to the phone so she could hear.


"Hey, Maura?"

"Uh yeah...?"

"Oh haha you don't sound like yourself on the phone."

"Oh yeah I know haha"

"But uh there's a slight problem. I can't get a ride over." Not fucking again.

"Could you ask Anthony? Or Jason?"

"Yeah I'll try Jason." 

"Okay cool. See you later, bye."


 Kara and I exchanged glances. We were both kind of irritated but we were hoping for the best. About five minutes later my phone buzzed and I saw the banner at the top read "Robby: Jason's dad can't take us so Anthony's dad is bringing all three of us." Thank god they worked that out by themselves. Kara and I took her laptop downstairs to my kitchen table so they wouldn't walk into my house and be lost. About twenty minutes later, the three of them just walked into my house. My parents were outside so I assumed they told them to just walk in but it still kind of freaked me out. They looked like lost puppies when they walked in. They all crowded around in the little hallway between my kitchen and garage door. This is going to be really awkward. They started to walk towards Kara & I but we got up and walked towards the basement. All five of us walked down the stairs to the basement and sat on my couch. I sat on the arm of the couch on the far left. Kara sat on the couch next to me. She was followed by Robby, who was practically sitting on top of her, then Anthony, then Jason. Jason was watching my brother play video games while the rest of us watched stupid youtube videos on Kara's laptop. Robby and Kara kept suggesting other videos to each other as Anthony & I watched them. Jason seemed engulfed by my brother's game, it was actually kind of funny. Jason wasn't really saying much for the first twenty or so minutes. I heard his slightly quiet voice 

"Hey Maura where's your bathroom?" I tried describing it because I didn't really want to get up but he didn't get it. I just got up and walked him to the bathroom. I came back and sat on the arm of the couch and continued watching videos with the others. We heard the water from the toilet through the pipes and we all exchanged awkward glances. Anthony said what we were all thinking.

"I hate how you hear the water! Like you know they just peed and it's gross!" Kara and I giggled and Robby was trying to stifle his laughter. Jason came back and sat back on the couch. A few minutes passed and my brother went upstairs. My butt began to hurt after sitting on the arm of the couch so long so I sat on the floor. Within the next couple of minutes, Robby and Jason were also sitting on the floor with me. Kara was still on the couch and Anthony had moved to a recliner awkwardly placed near the couch. Robby mentioned something about Kara & I getting hit in the face with the ball in gym the previous day and I started laughing again. I was laughing so hard in gym that I had trouble standing. I almost couldn't breathe. So I just said,

"oh MY GOD GUYS WHAT IF I ACTUALLY STOPPED BREATHING AND DIED RIGHT THERE." obviously joking around. Kara & Robby were laughing along with me. Then Jason cautiously said,

"Well it'd be scary cause you'd be dead." Did I hear that right? Is he being serious? I was just joking. Still kind of chuckling I said,

"Oh yeah haha I guess that'd be bad too." I was kind of happy he said that because it made me think that he actually cared about me. But at the same time I thought he was joking. I thought he was being sarcastic, even though he said it in the most concerned voice. I just pushed it aside and didn't think about it much then. We kept talking and somehow it lead into a conversation about what words we think are the grossest. 



"UGHHHHH" everyone groaned simultaneously.


We kept talking about all these gross words for quite a while. By the end, Robby was sprawled out on the ground, I was lying down on the ground with my feet raised up on the arm of the couch, and Jason gathered all the pillows from the couch, piled them underneath his body, practically hugging the pillows on the ground.

"Dude seriously I'm so hungry." Kara said again. I gave her the same answer I had been giving her for the past hour.

"What do you want to haveee? We could go upstairss."

"Ughh I don't want to get up." Then Jason interrupted us.

"If I'm hungry at a friends house, I just get up and go get the food."

"Yeah Jason go get the food." Robby said almost right away.

"No. I'm not hungry...and I don't know where anything is!" We all kind of chuckled before I said

"Okay yeah Kara just go get some food."

"No I don't want to go alone!"

"Okay fine, we'll go get food!" So we all filed up the stairs and stood in my kitchen. I asked everyone if they wanted anything to drink and got them what they had asked for. My dad had gotten a chocolate Oreo cake cake the previous day from work so everyone was offered a slice. Jason and I were the only ones who didn't take any. I had a slight fear of eating in front of people I'm not like really close with and I just wasn't all that hungry. The three of them got their cake slice and sat down at the table with Jason and I. We started talking about all the people that bothered us and as the conversation slowly died down Robby noticed Kara playing with her fork in her frosting. He looked at her and started mimicking her by picking up the fork & plopping it down in the frosting. 

"It's fun!" Kara said to justify her actions. Robby quickly agreed. Anthony then cut in

"What are you guys doing?! The frosting's the best part!" Kara and Robby looked at each other, confused by what Anthony had said. They both weren't really that into the frosting.  

"Hey Maura give me your phone." I slid Robby my phone. I had just gotten the iPhone 5 and they all wanted to play around with it. Robby was playing with the camera and began taking a panorama picture. He was trying to get his face in at the very last second but it stopped right before it got to him. We all laughed pretty hard at that. He showed us the picture and we all actually really liked it. I look retarded but it's still cute. It's for memories, get over it. They went through the pictures I already had on my phone too. Anthony found a pretty embarrassing picture of Kara and other funny pictures. Soon enough, they found the first video on my phone. It's a video of a guy from Boy Meets World flipping his hair with Kara's voice in the background saying "I"m....Gordon." They played it and Kara and I started screaming. They couldn't hear it so they passed it around and kept replaying it, Jason playing it the most. When I was laughing, I put my head into my arms and leaned forward and backward. Jason made sure to comment on it. 

"You're over there dying just like..." and then he began to imitate me. It was really accurate. We're going to be better friends one day. We can make fun of each other without getting offended too. We have to become better friends. It was just about 5:30 when they were told that they were getting picked up. They put their shoes on from downstairs and walked out the front door. They began running as they got about halfway down the sidewalk. This went better than expected. I hope we can hang out again.

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