A Tragic Miracle (The Tragedies Book 2)

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   It started out simple. I was a junior in high school and my parents had just got divorced. I decided to live with my mom. After moving away from my hometown to a completely different state, I felt so lost. I didn't know anyone and I didn't think I'd fit in. Then I met Alex. He was a very sweet, loving, and caring guy. We dated for about four months before we decided to take it to the next level at a party. I didn't care if anyone found out or any of the risks. I loved him and wanted to be with him forever, just as every sixteen year old girl would think about her first serious boyfriend. But everything changed in the blink of an eye when my friend's boyfriend got mad at me during class and punched me in the face. He got expelled and wanted revenge. Abbi wanted me to go to a party with her to help me get my mind of some things. When I wasn't looking, he put drugs in my drink at the same party I was at with Alex and Abbi. The next day, I woke up in the hospital with my mom, dad, Abbi and Alex by my bedside. I found out that I was raped. More days went by and I discovered something that would change my life forever. My name is Danielle Rosewood and this is my story.

Chapter 1

  It all began over the summer. My family was happy; we were very close. We lived in Seattle, but my dad was always traveling because of his job. During that time, my mom found out my dad was having an affair. Of course, she divorced him. I was disappointed in him and didn't know if I could ever forgive him. My mom and I decided to move to a smaller city. We moved to a small town in Indiana. I had about a month to settle in to the new house before I started school. I was nervous, but I tried my hardest not to think about it. But before I knew it, I had to go and get registered. "Can I stay in the car?" I asked my mom as we pulled up to the school. "Don't you want to try to meet new people?" 

"That's what the first day is for." 

"I know it's hard for you, Dani. But you can't hide forever."

"I'm not. I can't hide when school starts. I'm required to go." My mom sighed. "Alright, fine. I'll be back soon. If you get too hot, just come inside." I nodded and she got out of the car and went inside. I waited for about forty minutes or so and I got bored, so I got the guts to go inside. Even though I had no clue where my mother was going to be, I would find her eventually. The school wasn't that big. It would give a good chance to take a look around before I found her. I walked in and I saw a lot of people standing around in the lobby. Looked like I was wrong. I saw my mom talking to who looked like to be someone who worked at the school. I walked up to them and my mom turned her head and saw me. "There you are." She said and turned back to the other adult and said "This is my daughter, Danielle." I looked at him and he looked at me. "Hello there, Danielle. I'm Mr. Richards, the principal." He said and held out his hand. I grabbed his hand and shook it. "Hello, and call me Dani, please." I said shyly. " Okay. We're excited that you'll be joining the school. I hope you like it here." 

"Thank you." Then he looked back at my mom and started talking to her some more. A few minutes later, my mother shook his hand and said goodbye. "Alright, we are ready to go." She said. Then we left. "School will be starting in two weeks, we should go supply shopping while we're out." I said. My mom nodded and we went to get all of the supplies I needed. When I got home it was around eight o'clock, I was very tired and decided to go to bed. I laid in bed wondering what the school and people were going to be like. I had horrible thoughts. I fell asleep hoping that those two weeks from that day would never come. 

Chapter 2

  That wish never came true. Those two weeks had gone by so fast. I was up at five in the morning getting ready for my first day. I took a shower, put on some jeans and a Hollister t-shirt. I dried and straightened my hair and did my make up. I was ready by six, but I still had a little bit of time. I wasn't going to leave for school til about seven. My birthday was a few days before, so I had a car and my license. My mom was glad that she didn't have to give me rides anymore. I ate some breakfast then went to wake up my mom so she could get ready for work. I left a few minutes early so I could get some gas, a snack, and a drink before school. When I got to the school, I went to the office to get my schedule. They also told me about how everything in the school works and to come back if I had any questions. I thanked them, then walked out and started to walk upstairs. The first bell rang by the time I hit the second floor, so I had to start dealing with the big crowd. I tried to stay out of everyone's way. I finally found my locker and walked towards it to get out of the traffic. I had fifteen minutes before my first class, so to pass the time I just started to put all of my supplies in my locker. I unzipped my backpack and started to put notebooks and binders on the top shelf when someone who wasn't paying attention ran into me and knocked my backpack out of my hand and made everything fall out of it. I kneeled down to pick it all up and so did the person who ran into me. "I'm so sorry." The person seemed to have been male. "It's fine, don't worry about it. Accidents happen." 

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