Bonus Chapters

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These will be written solely by @mpr082397 and told from Evelyn's point of view from random moments in Dani's story.


It was some time after I learned Dani was pregnant, it brought back rush of memories for me. I couldn't believe how nonchalant I was with her, I came off so rude when I talked for her. Was she even okay with that? Suddenly I find myself walking around the house in search for something I haven't even bothered with for almost a year. 

My mom had came home in the mist of my frantically searching, honestly it was so great having her back. She cooked almost every night now after her own therapy secessions. 

"Okay Evelyn honey?" She asks me and I give a quick nod. 

"Just looking for something." Then in a AHA! moment, I find it in a pair of jeans in the back of my closet nearly an hour after she asked me. The not so shiny master key was in my hand, I ran my thumb over the top of it closing my eyes.

 "How is this even scary? She's just some crazy ass zombie." Jesse says pointing at the TV.

"She is not a zombie," I argue back but I've got to say he did make a good point actually, "She's a sad and lost girl whom was killed by her own mother."

"For obvious reasons." He jokes and I playfully shove at his shoulder. 

"Your awful!" Then Jesse sucked his bottom lip in, he only did that when...

"No!" I shouted as he attacked me tickling my sides, I squirmed and giggled as I scream bloody murder. He just laughed, and during this time he had pinned me down on the bed as he loomed over the top of me. 

I slowly open my eyes again savoring our memories and at the same time wishing to forget it all. My heart aches and eye begin to water when I think about what could've been but push those feelings away and shove the key back in to the pocket. But I change my mind and instead I lifted the lid of jewelry box and placed the key there. It's hidden away now, like some deep serect it was.


I don't remember too much about the accident, I don't remember how it felt when the truck came ramming into the side of the vehicle. I don't recall how it felt having my right side crushed, or the sudden loss of breath. I also don't remember being pulled out from the wreckage, or the trip to the hospital. But I do remember the unanticipated loss of conscienceless, and how it felt like floating through open air. 

It was wonderful here, no pain, no ache, no need for heartbreak. Laughter fills up the air around me as I float around the darkness but I am not fearful of it, for it isn't really all that dark. Light looms over me and warm arms embrace me, I bury myself into these arms. I do not fear the fact that these arms are taking me far away from earth. Warmth engulfs me, I can feel it everywhere, in my viens, my bones, in my soul. 

But it all ends suddenly when slight cries fill up the space, I feel myself leave these warm arms and look behind me. Blonde hair and very sad gray eyes shock me to my core. 

I remember my hand being squeezed, and hearing his begs for me to open my eyes but I can't not. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I open my eyes? Something stirs within me, as pain shots around my body. From my head to my chest and breathing seems difficult but then I will myself to awake. And then my eyes are open and when I look over to my left, it is not blonde hair I see but long brunette hair. Dani is here. It was Dani crying over me, not...Jesse but why had those feelings been so real. 

Why was I here, what was wrong with me? Hospital smells lit up my nose and I crinkle it at them, I notice she's sleeping on a cot next to me and not holding my hand in hers. I was seriously confused, then she stirs in her sleep. I carefully lift my arm and shake hers and her eyes find mine, relief and joy. 

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