The Long Journey To the Middle

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Being famous is a lot harder than it looks, well I wouldn't know but that's all I've wanted. I checked my Instagram again, hoping to find another orange-brown pop-up that would make my day. Sighing, I put away my phone.

I'm Monika R, also known as monikar, aspiring, well, aspiring attention whore. Yes, I know, it's not much to go on about, but that's all I want really. I'm writing in this because Dr Mendes asked me to. It's important to tell someone about your day I guess, and for a person as self-obsessed as me, that's pretty important. It feels weird, to be honest, to like, tell someone how I really feel. I've always acted like I put everyone's needs before mine, but I really was selfish.

What do people have that makes them popular? It's always baffled me to be honest, and I was always the one to cling to fame. Ever since 7th grade, I've been best friends with the most gorgeous, funny and intelligent girl in town. Yeah, I said girl, did you expect this to be some sort of cliche book where the girl and the best friend who's a guy fall in love? Please, this isn't a Taylor Swift video.

Anyways, back to Zoe Starlingard. Even her name sounds like one of those Mary Sues in Fanfiction. No no, I'm not jealous, it's just that it sucks sometimes that your best friend gets everything without trying for it, and you're always seen as her sidekick. I was Monika R, Zoe's dumb best friend.

My phone rang.

"Hey Zoe babe, how's everything going?" I chirped. It always helped to sound like you have nothing going on in your life, that way people open up easier.

"Hey, I was just wondering what you wrote for that French Revolution presentation we we're supposed to give next week." Zoe's soft voice poured through. Shit. I had forgotten all about that project, she was always reminding me about things like this. I cleared my throat.

"I was just working on it, um, what was the topic again."I asked sheepishly. I could hear her annoyingly musical laugh. Zoe knew that she was smart, and it hurt in moments like these, where it was obvious that I was just her Karen, her dumb best friend that she would talk to until she left to join some stuck up Ivy League.

"I already emailed you the topic." She said, trying to hide the amusement. Of course she did, it's not like I even checked my email though. I laughed nervously and asked her about her day and her perfect life, all whilst joking about (usually at my expense).

"I have to go finish Biology now." She murmured."See you later, love you." I cut the call after a frustrated "I love you too." God, it's so difficult being the sidekick sometimes. I lazed around for a little bit more, tweeting and Snapchatting, before I knew it, it was dinner time.

"Come down for dinner." My mom hollered. She looked battered, her job was really taking a toll on her. My mom was a paramedic, always rushing on about saving lives and stuff. It was clear in her eyes that I was a sheer disappointment, but that never stopped her from being a fantastic mother. My dad was great too, and I'll see him again after his sister recovers from giving birth to my newborn cousin.

I ate as she ranted on about how her day was, cheering when she said she might get a promotion soon. I washed up and retreated to my typical teenage room. I had to call Dr Mendes.

"Dr Mendes, hi, It's Monika." I said nervously. I heard her cough and one of her five dogs bark.

"Hey, how are you, is everything okay?" She asked, concerned. I tried not to smile, she was one of the most compassionate people that I'd ever had the privilege of meeting.

"I'm great, but um, when can we fix another appointment?" I said rushedly. Ma didn't know that I was visiting a therapist, I didn't want to worry her too much anyways. Dr Mendes didn't charge much, she was fresh out of college and had just set up her clinic. I could pay for it by using my after school money. I worked at Friend's Supermarket after school, Ma thought I spent it on new clothes and little things.

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