Don't Make Friends With Rockstars

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The room was small, but airy. Dodgy boy smiled at me and led me to a sofa which had most definitely seen better days. I sat down, and attempted to ignore the dust cloud that arose from around my ass.
He smiled at me sweetly, I noticed two small studs in his ears, his floppy hair covered most of it. Did he even go to school? That kind of stuff was rarely allowed at my laid back school, is hate to imagine the others.

"Hey!" I said a little louder than necessary. He turned his head back at me

"Yeah, what's up bus girl?" I pursed my lips. He was supposed to be "bus boy"

"What's your name anyway?" I threw back with a little more attitude than needed.

"I'm Tom." He said simply. Again? We weren't best friends or anything, why did he act like he knew me?

"What's she doing here anyway Tommy?" The tall guy questioned him. I attempted to disappear into the sofa, wow that was embarrassing.

"She's my friend, she has a really good taste in music and I invited her over to check out our band." He spoke quickly, attempting to play off his nervousness by acting cocky.

"Besides, it's not like we have a huge audience anyway." The tall guy scowled and continued fiddling around with his guitar. He was hot. Really hot. Tom played around with his keyboard.

A girl's voice suddenly rang through the rather sad living room.

"Ray, you didn't tell me we were having guests." I'd never known someone to be striking before, but there she stood, tall and lithe. She wasn't "cute" or even beautiful. She was positively radiant.

"That's because I didn't know Kat." The hot one, Ray as he was known, smirked in her direction. She walked over and towered in front of me.

"I'm Kat, are you Tom's friend?" I looked at Tom, who only gave me a wide-eyed stare in return.

"Yeah, I'm Monika." I beamed back at her. Phew, I was pretty rusty with the whole socialising thing.

"Cool." She smiled back, showing off the best set of teeth Id seen in a while, only Zoe's could rival.

"Come on then," Tom piped up, "let's show her a little something she'll remember."

With that, the trio assembled and Tom started playing, and Ray joined him. Kats rich voice flooded the room and engulfed me. She sang about a woman being scorned, Tom and Ray knowing when to intervene and when to let her shine. It was kind of beautiful, but I felt like something was missing. I whipped out my phone and opened up Snapchat, putting a finger over my camera as I filmed a 15 second snippet to add to my story.

You don't love me, so why don't you go home with her? Kat finished with flourish. I sat in silence for a few seconds, they all looked at me with anticipation.
I started clapping, and I could feel the tension in the room fizzle out.

Tom looked up from his keyboard shyly, Ray cracked his knuckles and Kat beamed at me.

"Did you like it?" She asked, careful not to sound too earnest in her response. I looked at her brown eyes, warm but so different from Zoe's. They were good, but I contemplated telling them about that little piece being missing from their music.

"It was really good." I said, trying not to sound fake. It was hard, in this world where appearances were so important, to sound like you really mean something. It made me nervous to pay them a sincere compliment, simply because I was scared that they wouldn't believe me. I realized that I sound be truthful.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I felt like you could've been a lot better, that there was a little thing missing from your song." I rushed through the sentence in one breath. Please don't hate me. The three pairs of eyes looked at me questioningly, they didn't look angry, just little confused, waiting for me to elaborate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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