Chapter One (Part One)

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Love Knows No Bounds

Chapter One

Part One

Its first week of March and right after this week is my twenty-first birthday... It's not that I'm excited about it but quite the opposite of that...

Why? It's not only because I aged again, but because my mother's been dragging me everywhere to find a possible husband for me... it's quite complicated but I've been single for 2 years, I don't mind being single, well I'm free to do everything I wanted, without anyone getting jealous when I am too close with my male friends and all...

Two years ago my boyfriend broke up with me to pursue his dream to become a doctor and leave me to study in New York... To be honest I haven't forgotten about him yet...

That may be the reason why my mom's been dragging me to every party she's attending... But instead of worrying about it, I'm putting my mind at work... But she wants me to get married as soon as possible, so that she'll be able to see her grandchild from me... Though she's still in her late forty's ...

She became obsess to find a guy for me that may be the reason why every time she mentions a guy's name, I'm having goose bumps all over my body, because she's not going to stop bothering me unless I dated the guy she's referring...

The last time, I tried to ignore the date she set with the British guy, and went shopping with my best friend instead... My mom actually hired four masculine men to drag me back into the mansion and force me to meet the guy...

Not to mention that all those guys are interested in my family's fortune, that's why they dated me... Though some of them tried to bring me into their beds but failed to do it...

"Maki! Maki!" My mom's calling me discreetly

"Ouch! Mom that hurt!" She pinches me in the buttocks to get my attention back to her.

Well, I totally forgot that we're in a big party here in London hosted by Clitus enterprises... The biggest company worldwide, their company is involves in almost every business, like oil, linen, and different others... They even invited all the president of different companies and other officials, not to mention, that they are all big names in the industry... Even a prince of different nation takes part in this party...

"Maki, where's your manner? Mr. Smith is here, can't you say hello at least?"

My mom glared daggers at me, it only means that if I didn't even try to entertain this gentleman, she'll kill me later... Oh god! I don't want to make her angry again...

The last time she got angry, because I accidentally rip her favorite summer dress that she used in her honeymoon with my dad.... And when I tried to apologized I accidentally saw her fitting her lingerie excitedly... Seeing her childish part I laugh so hard that made her face beat red. Embarrassed, she looked for clothes to put on, and then she saw the dress I accidentally ripped... She became ferocious and chased me with the horrifying face of hers, when she can't catch me; she just threw the vases and other decoration that she can get along the way while chasing me all over the mansion... Man!! Remembering that makes me so tired, and that time, the whole place looks like a hurricane passed by...

Well she looks like a child throwing a tantrum that time...

But, before that happens again, I need to act accordingly...

"Good evening Mr. Smith... It's so nice to meet you, and I apologize for the late introduction... I'm Maki Clare Bonza..."

I bowed slightly to him and smile.

"The pleasure is all mines Miss Maki... You are so beautiful tonight, looked everyone's attention is unto you..." He then took my right hand and kissed it, like a gentleman...

"Thank you for your compliment, but you looked fine yourself..." I tried to play along with him and looked straight into his eyes.

"Oh!"A devilish smile played into his lips "I hope we can get to know each other... Let's have a dinner sometime, what do you think?"

A wide smile played into my mother's face that's reaching each side of her ears... As if she won an award, but I can read this man's mind, this guy has been looking at me with lustful eyes... It feels like I'm completely naked in his eyes and with that devilish smile of his... It made me feel uncomfortable; I tightened my fist and speak my mind, without even thinking...

"Mr. Smith, my apologies, but I must decline your invitation..." He got shocked and almost dropped the glass of wine he's holding...

"Why? Didn't you like me?" He then looked to my mother, almost pleading for her help.

Since, I already stated what's on my mind; I need to say it... So before they even open their mouth, I speak with a straight face.

"I cannot simply spend my precious day with a man like you... And to tell you the truth, I don't like you... Not a chance..."

Intimidated... "W~What? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh yeah?! You didn't know huh?! Actually your thoughts are written all over your face... I can read them as clear as day..."

He may be realized what I'm talking about, so he stepped back a little and cleared his throat... "I~I'm s~sorry Ma'am and Miss Bonza, I~I just remembered that I have to meet my father" He walked into the crowd of people to hide his face that is burning red...

I hope it teaches him a lesson... A sigh came out of my mom's mouth "He is a nice candidate to become your husband, you know?"

"Mom! Who told you that I wanted to marry a jerk like him?" I rolled my eyes and put my right hand into my waist...

"Well, he's a son of the top tenth richest family and at his young age he became a company president... I also heard many compliments about him. I thought he is a nice match for you and can support you" My mom is pouting and playing with her ring in her left index...

I wanted to laugh at her; she looks like a kid who has been scolded by her mother... I snorted "Mom looked..." I cup her cheeks and make her look at me "I'm happy that you're always looking out for me, but I believe that someday, fate will bring me to the man I am going to spend my life with... We don't need to rush things, maybe he's out there waiting for me and maybe I'll be able to meet him, like in this party?"

I smiled genuinely with my mom and she just nodded with teary eyes, then she smiled "Ok, I understand darling..."

I smiled at her. "Mom, I'll just go outside to get some fresh air. I'll be back in a minute"

She winked at me with a playful smile "Take your time darling, while you're not here I'll look for your mister perfect guy, so I can be your cupid..."

I rolled my eyes after she walked into the crowd of young man... Feeling suffocated with the crowd of people, I walked out of the big hall... As I went outside I felt the chill of the night breeze into my exposed skin, but it's much nicer in here than to spend my entire night out there talking to people like Mr. Smith... I'm not really good with socialization, especially, handling girls in this kind of party... They always talking about their boyfriends, luxurious gift they get from them or the brands of their clothes and others... Just like the other parties we attended...


Please kindly read my work and you are free to leave comments...

Actually this is my first time creating a story...

Hope you like it...

Thanks for reading it!!!


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