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"It ain't a problem baby girl when you're winning"


"Excuse me?" My father spits out his coffee.  His demeanor seemed to have changed to frightened, or maybe spooked.

"Yeah, it's like an investing business and that's the address." I say, confused at my dad's outburst. 

"Are you sure?" He retaliates. I furrow my brows, any other parent would be jumping for joy their daughter got a job.  Especially one that pays so well.

"For heaven's sake Darrell, be happy she got the job!" My mom interferes. "I'm so proud of you, Allison!" Finally, a supportive parent.

"Thanks, mom."

"Allison, I'm happy for you but this job...they rarely hire is what I've heard." My dad sounds unsure of himself.

"Well, the pay is good and it's a simple job." I glance at the clock above the stove. "I have to go, my boss said nine sharp."  Justin did not seem like the type to tolerate tardiness.

My mom waves goodbye but my dad catches me at the front door.

"So, who's your boss?" He looks to the side awkwardly. His usual honey brown irises glow with an oddly fearful aura.

"Some guy," I shrug.

"What's his name?" His questions make my annoyance and suspicion for his curiosity rise.

"Justin, why?"

My dad sucks in a breath but tries to cover it with a cough. He looks nervous and out of place.

"Oh, just wondering. Thought it was someone else." He turns away quickly before I have time to reply.

I wonder why my dad is so worked up over my job, was it the fact that it was professional and not working in some fast food restaurant? Was he just being overprotective, as usual? 

My thoughts consume my mind as I take the long drive downtown to Justin's building. I was nervous, extremely nervous. I ran out on Justin and he clearly was not happy about it.  Would he fire me? No, it didn't seem like it. But on the contrary, his note last night was anything but sweet.

My heels clack against the floor of the lobby and Logan is quick to intercept me when I reach the fourth floor.  His eyes gleam with mischief.

"Well, look who's back." He smirks, "Justin was so mad, and everyone knew he was absolutely humiliated when I told him you left when he was asking everyone where you went."

Humiliation is never a good thing, especially for a poised businessman.

"Is he still mad?" I ask and Logan leads me to the common room where employees gather on their break.

"He usually comes in here every morning and grabs one glazed donut and a coffee, black of course." Logan says.

"Okay and..." I trail off.  I wasn't here to listen to Justin's breakfast order.

"Today, he came in, slammed his fist over the entire box of donuts, claiming they were stale, and then left without another word."

"Oh, God," I place my head in my hands.  If this doesn't say anger, what does?

I glance at my watch and read 8:57.

"I better go before he get's mad at me for being late."  I certainly did not need another reason for him to be fed up with me.

Logan nods and laughs, And, you've made a lot of enemies with the female staff." He walks away without another word.

"Wow, thanks for making me feel better!" I call out but he shakes his head and keeps walking to his own office. I'm not quite sure if Logan likes me or not, he's hard to read, and seemed like he was taunting me when he noticed I was back again today.

The Jewelry Box ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now