Heal Me

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(Finn's POV)

"FINNY!" I heard Jack call from downstairs. I groaned and dialled down my music.

"WHAT?" I shouted back.

Jack came bursting into my room.

"Sam and I are going out to shoot a video," Jack grinned cheekily, holding up his unicycle. "You want to come?"

"No," I replied, turning back to my computer screen.

"Why not?"

"I'm just- busy."

Jack came and sat down on the stool next to me.

"Finn," he said seriously. "You haven't been outside the house in days. What's going on?"

"Nothing!" I snapped. "I'm just busy."

Jack stared at me for a long time, and I pretended not to notice. I continued to edit the design I was working on.


"Look, I'm just busy, alright?"

Jack huffed, angrily.

"Just come with us?" he pleaded, putting on his puppy-dog face.

"Jack, I can't, I'm busy," I replied shortly, ignoring his face, wich was rather good.

"Fine," he consented, snatching up his unicycle and slamming my door on his way out. I don't know why, but it made tears start into my eyes.

I sat there for a long time after, trying to make myself focus on my "work". When three o'clock rolled around and I hadn't done anything, I got up and scribbled a note to Jack and left it on my door knob.

I walked out the front door, pulling on my black coat, even though I didn't really need it. It looked cold and rainy outside, but it was really very nice. For England that is.

I stood outside of the house for a moment, trying to decide which direction to go in. I finally made my mind up and set off down the street, turning my coat collar up against the non-existant wind.


Heey, lovlies!

I just got the idea to write this today, so sorry this chapter is so short :(

I'll update soon!!!

Kiss kiss!


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