Day 4

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Do you consider yourself "addicted"? Why or why not?
I find this question difficult to answer because I usually go for long periods of time (I say long I mean about a week) without self harming but then I just completely wreck my hips in one "session" instead of doing a few cuts every couple of days. So in this sense i can go a long time without needing to self harm so I would say I'm addicted. On the other hand, when I have a certain occasion coming up (say I need to wear a bikini or something) and I know that I can't self harm for a set amount of time I snap and the urge becomes 10 times worse because the whole thing about my self harm is that it enables me to gain control in a way and if I take that away then I freak out and I am definitely more likely to do it so I kind of am addicted...

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