Chapter 2: Coming to Ponyville (Trilla's p.o.v.)

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I'm so excited! I finally get to meet my mother's helpers! No, not the royal guard. The mane 6. Yea, you probably heard of 'em. Always saving the day.

I'm packing everything I have in my golden dorm for a bedroom. I look around.

"Where's my necklace?" I ask aloud. I start searching frantically for the small article. It's my favorite necklace. It has my cutie mark as a jewel inside of it.

I was given that golden necklace when I was just a foal. Tears start forming in my sunset colored eyes. "I-I can't lose that.." I mutter.

But with everything packed, I go over to my tall, elegant mother; Princess Celestia. "Hello there, Trilla." The tall alicorn says. I force a smile, "Hi mom." But Celestia sees right through my emotional wall. "What's the matter?" She says; her pink eyes swirling with concern.

I look down at the marble floor and sigh. "I lost my necklace.. The one you gave to me when I was a foal." Small tears are falling to the ground.

Celestia puts a hoof on my shoulder. "It's ok, Trilla. You'll find it."


I sit in the golden chariot. The pegasi are flapping their wings furiously so it's hard to hear what my assistant is telling me. My assistant is none other than a baby dragon by the name of Blaze. She's a red dragon with orange spikes.

"Uh, Blaze? I can't hear you." Blaze looks at me. "Oh, sorry dear." She says in her thick dragon accent.  "As I was saying, the Mane 6 are going to need you to help them on their adventures. You have an element embedded in your soul. You're the Element of Love." She explains.

The chariot lands in front of a tall tree castle. I step out along with Blaze on my back. I squint at the castle. "You sure this is it?" I ask. "Yes indeed." Blaze replies emotionless. I open the gargantuan doors and step inside.

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