Chapter 4: The New Member (Twilight's P.O.V.)

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"A problem? Why is me being 30 a problem?!" Trilla unexpectedly has an outburst. Towards me. I look down at the floor. Then I look back up in shock. I remember Trilla from before today. "Oh my Celestia." I mutter.

She looks at me, now confused. "You were the mare that got bullied in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns!" I blurt out. Rainbow hovers over to me. "Uh, Twi? Why would a pegasus be in a school for unicorns?" She asks, clearly lost.

Trilla lowers her head so she's looking at the ground. "I may not be a pony with a horn, but I can sure as hell do magic!" She looks back up to me, eyes now a ruby color. I take a step back.

Blaze, her baby dragon, walks back in. "Trilla! I got yo- Oh my Celestia.. Not again."

Fluttershy, now shaking with fear, says, "A-Again?!" Blaze walks over to Trilla. She holds up a small cup. It has this.. Orange liquid. Trilla looks at Blaze, then the cup. The cup gets enveloped in a golden aura and it follows Trilla to the nearest corner.

I blink a few times just to make sure I'm not seeing things but my eyes aren't deceiving me. Trilla can use magic. Trilla drinks the liquid and I notice her eyes go back to the sunset color they once were.

The white pegasus walks back over to me. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I guess I got a little carried away." I give her a look of confusion. "What was that liquid you just drank?" She looks at me, "That was just orange juice. It's my favorite drink." She giggles.

I just shrug. "So, Trilla, darling. You're a pegasus that can use unicorn magic. How does that work exactly?" Rarity asks her. Trilla looks at Rarity, then Blaze, then at me.

"Well according to Blaze, I have an Element of Harmony embedded within my heart. That element is known as the Element of Love. It contains the magic of which I use. That's why I was relieved when I saw my necklace. Because, it helps my magic improve. I know what you're all thinking right now. 'Oh but we thought there were only six elements!' But no, there was a seventh." Trilla says.

Applejack walks up to Trilla and puts her hoof on her shoulder. "We believe ya Trilla." Trilla smiles, but sadly. "I'm glad you do, but why exactly? I know, I'm the daughter of Celestia but that's no reason to trust somepony right of the bat." Applejack nods. "Exactly, we're trusting you because we're your friends now." I say with a genuine smile.

Trilla looks at the floor. I notice a small pitter patter on the floor. I run over to Trilla and hug her. "It's ok, Trilla. We're here for you." I whisper in her ear. She looks up and smiles; still crying. She mutters a thank you.

~later that day~

"So that's Ponyville?" Trilla asks. Pinkie gives a hyper nod. "Yes indeedy!" Trilla looks around again. "I love it here."

As us seven are walking, a red pegasus flies up to us. "Oh hi there Dusky!" Pinkie says. "Hi Pinkie. Everypony." He turns his attention towards Trilla. She looks away and blushes. He chuckles and lands. "So who's the new mare?" "That's Trilla Forced. She's part of our group now." Rainbow says while putting a hoof around her. He gives Trilla a smile. She gives a small wave.

After a while, he leaves. Right afterwards, Mayor Mare comes up to us, "You must be Trilla Forced. Welcome to Ponyville!" She bows. Trilla blushes. "You don't need to bow." Mayor Mare looks up and nods.

All seven of us go back to the castle, having a huge giggle fit. 'It's a good thing Trilla finally accepted our friendship.' I think to myself. 'But something seems a bit off about her..'

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