Chapter 3 : Familiar faces Aboard

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"Death Eaters? How do you know?" Karkaroff emerged saying in fright. Ever since what happened to Cedric Diggory at the Tri-Wizard Tournament Karkaroff had been on his toes. He was a well-known Death Eater during the First Wizarding War, and he feared that with the on slew of Death Eaters arising across England that soon the Dark Lord would be after him.

"Yes your friends have arrived, Sir." Nikolai said bluntly as he secured the hatch to the lower quarters. "We are ready." He nodded to Viktor.

"Do not forget your place boy."

"You seemed to have forgotten yours!" Nikolai said rounding back to the table which Karkaroff now planted him hands on. "Tell me headmaster, when You Know Who first came to power whose side were you fighting for? The Ministry or Him?" Karkaroff lunged towards Nikolai but before he could reach him Viktor stood between them, wand at the ready.

"This is not the time nor the place for this!" Viktor said with a straight face with his back towards Nikolai clearly speaking to his headmaster. "Death Eaters are approaching and the ship has not yet submer--" just as the words slipped from between Viktor's thin rose lips there was a rattling against the kitchen door.

"We know you're in their Karkaroff!" A scratchy voice said in English from outside the door. "Come out! I'm sure the Dark Lord will want some words with you." the voice said menacingly. That last line seemed to have echoed through Karkaroff's head as shook his head and stepped back looking like he lost his balance for a second.

"The Dark Lord will have no words with me." He said so low that only he could hear his retort to the Death Eaters statement. He pulled himself together and  by now you could barely see a hint of the fear that had been casting clouds in his eyes for days, when he let out a battle cry and sent a red pulse of energy straight past Nikolai and Viktor who seemed to not even notice there headmaster was still in the room. When the rattling began both turned around wands ready approaching the door. The door flew open and just as it did the hex hit the Death Eater square in the chest as a loud thud could be heard when the red beam vanished. As the Death Eater dissaperated his fellow Death Eaters followed him knowing well that they were not feeling with any man, but with a skilled wizard, regardless of his cowardly actions. Karkaroff opened his eyes wide and steadied his breathing and slipped his wand back into his pocket.

"You could have killed us!" Nikolai said in anger turning back to his headmaster. Viktor grabbed his arm and forced him back.

"Know your place boy." Karkaroff snarled and turned on his heels to walk away from his students . "We should be arriving tonight. Get some sleep while you still can." He said coldly and walked away.

"Agh!" Viktor grunted letting go of his friends shoulder and walking to his own cabin.

"You cannot be so quiet forever Viktor."

"We are leaving Durmstrang. It is our final year--" Nikolai cut him off.

"Exactly! Comrade you no longer have to listen to him talk about you as some piece of meat or a trophy in his glass case of prized students. You are no longer his pet." This statement pierced Viktor's ego.

"I have NEVER been his pet." Viktor said through clenched teeth. Nikolai through up his hands in defeat.

"Get some sleep comrade. It must nearly be dawn."

"Dah." Viktor replied plainly and continued towards his cabin. Has he really been Karkaroffs pet for the past 7 years? Had he really never noticed? He knew Karkaroff was always lighter with Viktor when it came to rules and regulations but he was also tougher on Viktor in moments where success was crucial, at least crucial in Karkaroffs eyes. As thoughts of his years Durmstrang fluttered through his mind he began pinpointing times when Karkaroff not only favored him but singled him out.

When Viktor was in his 4th year, long before the IQL draft, Karkaroff chose him to duel in a wizarding  tournament in Bulgaria. It was not for the respect of the school or even a prize of some sort it was simply for his own pleasure of treating Viktor like his own. He removed Viktor from his family for 3 weeks during the summer to practice for the tournament. Never allowed him to have contact with them or with any others. He ruled over him and dictated what he could and could not do. Though Viktor won the tournament and hoped that it would be the last time he had to stay under Karkaroffs watch, he was wrong. Throughout the years after the dueling tournament Karkaroff only tightened his reigns on Viktor. Viktor hated every minute of it. He hated being in the spotlight an that was all Karkaroff put him in. He knew he could not rebel because though Karkaroff wa a cynical old man whom only looked for people when he needed them, he was the one who got Viktor into the IQL draft in his 6th year. Viktor was forever great full.

Allowing the little amount of good memories he had between he and his Headmaster his thoughts trickled to Hogwarts and how if it were not for Karkaroff he would have never met his Mina. Memories of Durmstrang and Karkaroff were replaced with ones of Hermione. Soon, sleep began to invade his thoughts and drag him in. He fell to sleep, thanking Karkaroff for all he had done, because without him he would have never have found his English Flower.

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