Chapter Two

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By the time it was lunch time, I was exhausted, I guess killing someone takes alot of energy. Jay was basically pulling me to the cafeteria with his friends. They were his friends not mine, I didn't talk to them unless they asked me a question. But they all taught we were together but after Jay's first girlfriend they asked him and boy did he laugh at before he told them all about us. But it was obvious that I was in love with him to everyone but him.

When we got to the cafeteria, he got his lunch and we sat together along with his friends. I whispered in his ears and told him I was sleepy, and he put his school bag in his lap before he jestured for me to put my head there and I did so. He immediately started running his hand through my hair and I drifted off to sleep.

"Anyone has seen or heard from Amy, I've been trying to get in touch with her, but she is ignoring me."

"You've been only dating her for a month right, that means she is gone. You know that your girlfriends always stay with you for one month until your 'best friend' always get rid of them right. You can't deny it, anymore I asked Hilda myself and she said that Taylor threatened her that if she doesn't break up with in a week bad things will happen to her. I'm pretty sure that any of your exes that are not missing will say that Taylor threatened them." Ariel said, with no hint of amusement.

"Ariel I really don't like you speaking of Taylor like that. I don't care what any of my exes have to say about Taylor. I would always believe Tay over anybody else. Besides Tay is only 5ft 3 and I've only date girls that are 5ft 5 and above."

"You are so blind not to see that he is in love with you." Ariel spat and I froze at that, I froze not because what she said but at the realisation of that other people noticed. I looked at everyone in our group.

"I know he likes, I've always known. I'm not that stupid. I just never realized that everyone else noticed." I looked down at Tay sleeping in my lap, lunch time is almost over now. I gently shake him to wake him. He looked up at me and smiled and that smile just warmed my heart. He looked up at the group and they all looked away except Ariel of course. She never really liked him, because she had a thing for me but Tay had rudely told her, she wasn't my type and since then she hated him.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Tay said as he got up with his bag and left the room.

"Well since Ariel is being rude and you all are acting strange. I'm going to look for Tay."

"You we weren't trying to be mean to your friend, its just that he seems a bit weird." Mike was saying as I got up and I sighed.

"You guys don't know anything about him, he doesn't talk to anyone else or has other friends but me, because he is afraid of trusting people because of something that happen to him when he was younger. He doesn't like to talk about it and doesn't want anyone to talk about it. Anyways I have to go look for him." I said as I left my five other friends at the table.

I looked everywhere for Tay but I couldn't find him anywhere. He must of left school. School had ended and I still didn't find him. I went to his house and his mother let me in.

"Taylor is downstairs in the basement, I should go call him, he came home early and was a bit upset. Jayden do you know why?" She asked looking concerned.

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Hilton, it was just my friend being a little bitch, but I shut her down." I said as the smell of burning cookies fill the air.

"Oh my goodness, the cookies!" Mrs. Hilton said as she ran to direction of the kitchen. I quickly made my way to the stairs that led down to the basement.

Walking down the stairs I could here I here soft moans, but I ignored it as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I walked over to the door in the room, it was slightly open and went over to it and peeked in. I was frozen at the sight infront of me, my mouth fell open as I stare in shock.

Tay was laying on the bed on his back, with a picture of me in his left hand and he was stroking himself with his right hand. His soft moans filled the room, he was panting heavily and he was whispering my name over and over. He was in nothing but my old football shirt and the scent of my cologne filled the room. The room was slightly dark and there was candles all over the room and the light from the candles revealed pictures of me. A few more strokes and he came on the deep purple spread as he flung his head into the bed, panting out hard. I left the basement and I went into the kitchen. Mrs. Hilton looked at me and frowned, "did you go down to the basement?"

"Yes, but the room down there, door was locked, so I just came back up." Mrs.Hilton looked relieved as she started sipping on her tea, while swinging her legs from the stool she was sitting on.

"So did you burn the cookies?" I asked her trying to change the topic.

"No, but I almost did. Do you want some, Taylor helped me make them, he said its your favorite."

"Tay made them, so of course I want some." I replied feeling enthusiastic about the sweet treat. Mrs. Hilton placed three cookies on a plate and handed it to me, I sat on the stool and began munching on the cookies. Mrs. Hilton began having light conversation with me, joking about the little things Tay and I used to do when we were younger.

Tay came into the room looking refresh, wearing a white T-shirt and a black and white plaid shorts and glasses. I never saw him where glasses before, he stared at me for the longest time and stood there blushing before he looked away.

"I didn't know you where here, Jay. I was going to bring you those cookies tomorrow, to say am sorry I'm the reason you had to fight with your friends." He replied to me, still looking away from. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"You shouldn't be apologizing, Ariel was just being a bitch. But Tay why are you wearing glasses?" I asked him trying to move away from that topic. He stepped away from me and looked anywhere but my face before he replied.

"You don't like girls with glasses, so I've only worn it when I'm at home or when I'm not around you, so maybe you could notice me more." He said, he was completely red now, from his neck up. Mrs. Hilton slowly left the kitchen and left us alone.

"So what were doing in the basement so long?" I asked him even though I already know the answer. His entire face dropped before he put on a blank expression.

"My mom told you I was down there right?"

"Yes she did, but she didn't say what you were doing down there."

"Well Jayden, I wish not to reveal what I was doing down there. Please don't ask me again, I don't feel comfortable telling you about it." He replied with a frown and looking away.

"Well Tay do you want stay over with me, I'm lonely and my parents won't be back home until next week."

"Sure, let me get my stuff and tell my mom." He said in an excited tone as he ran upstairs and I leaned against the wall.

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