calum • pt 2

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cal: im a kiwi

mal: your a fruit?

cal: no the race of New Zealand people is called kiwi

mal: ohhkay um I have a dog

cal: what's his name

mal: I thought we were only allowed to ask one question

cal: you just asked another one

mal: well that's different!

cal: nope babe sorry but I think it's the same

mal: ugh so why are you still texting me

cal: because your cute

mal: how do you know you haven't seen my face

cal: I can tell

mal: ooh so your psychic?

cal: yes I am, want a palm reading?

mal: you can't see my palm

cal: one day :-)

mal: not the noses

cal: noses :-----)

mal: im leaving

cal: wait!

mal: what!

cal: you never told me your dogs name

mal: dean, bye calum.

cal: bye malllllllyyyyy


sorry it's short it's a bit hard to make these long,
but anyways follow me on Twitter bc sometime I post when I am going to update ;)
twitter: @twinbroosky
kik: mcdonaldsluke
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