chapter three

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I sat on the field on Friday during lunch. I needed a moment to myself, maybe call my sister Alison and get some advice from her and figure out this whole Hanson business. I know I wanted him to fall for me to get him back for dragging me into the bet thing, but now I was thinking I just didn't want to do anything about it and just wait until the bet was done. I decided I would call Alison, she always knew what to say. I dialled her number and it rang three times before she picked up.

"Hey sis, sup with choo?"

"I may have a boy situation." I sighed. I heard a gasp and then something drop.

"sorry I dropped my philosophy textbook, never thought I would hear the day you had a boy situation. When do you even have time for boys?"

"I don't, but I just have a situation."

"Ok, lay it on me."

"Ok, so do you remember Hanson Orion?"

"The one Casey and Lana and every other girl is obsessed with in your grade?"

"That's the one."

"Yeah I remember him."

"Ok, well, I was walking down the hallway a couple days ago and I heard that his friends bet him that he could get me for fall for him in two months." I started. "I was then going to make him fall for me instead because I thought it would be a good way to get back at him. But now I'm just thinking I should steer clear from him for the next while until he gets bored and will move on."

"Honey, I would go with the second option. Or maybe you should tell him you know about the bet."

"I will do no such thing." I sighed "I'll just tried to steer clear from him, even though he asked me to homecoming."

"So go with him to homecoming and then say you just aren't interested."

"But I might actually be interested, I just don't want him to only be interested because of the bet."

"Then unintentually make him fall for you" she said

"How am I suppose to do that?"

"I don't know, make a connection."


"You're welcome." She laughed "I have a class in like 5 minutes so I need to run. Love you."

"Love you too, see you at thanksgiving."

"You can't keep me away."

Some help she was.


"Where were you at lunch today?" Lana asked as I took a seat next to her in Mrs. Lucas' history class.

"Alison called, and I haven't talked to her in a while so we just caught up."

"Is she still dating that Nate kid?"

"No they broke up a month ago, she caught him cheating."

"What a scum bag."

"I never understood that." I sighed "How someone could cheat on someone they claimed to love. If you don't love the person anymore, break up and alcohol can't change your emotions."

"That's true." Lana said "But guys are dumb."

"And that I will drink to." I said taking a sip of my water.

"Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Jenson are you done talking and can I start with today's lesson?"

"Of course, Mrs. Lucas." I said smiling.

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