Chapter Two

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I just finished doing my warm up before I started practicing my solo. After the three classes I just taught it was good to get a couple minutes to myself. I turned around when I heard the door open and saw Hanson walk in. ever since the thing that happened at school I couldn’t stop thinking about it. it was kind of flattering at first thinking her liked me, but then I remembered the bet. He won’t make me fall without him falling first.

“What are you doing here?” I asked                               

“The team dinner just finished and I remember this was the studio you practice in because you told me last year and I thought I would stop by.”

“I have to practice my routine.” I said

“I came to watch anyways, show me your stuff.” He joked. I blinked and stood there for a couple seconds before walking over to the stereo and turning on I’m a mess by Ed Sheeran and walking into the centre of the room. I then started with a kick with my right leg and I grabbed it before going into a y-scale and then dropping in the ground along with my whole body. I then went into a handstand before moving into a back walkover into three spins with my leg kicking up at the end. I walked off to the side and jumped before falling onto my knees then laying flat down and pulling my core up and then I stopped.

I finished the rest of the routine before running to turn off the stereo and grabbing my water bottle.

“Amazing.” Hanson said clapping.

“Yeah, its not a competition solo for nothing” I joked taking another sip of my water. I need to go through it a couple more times and practice my aerials before the competition in three weeks, but I wasn’t going to do it again in front of Hanson.

“Do you need a drive home?” he asked

“No, my dads getting me McDonalds in his way here.” I said. “Maybe another time.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” he said before walking out.


“I don’t get you” Casey said. “You don’t get home until like 8 o’clock and you still finish all your homework at an A level. Fucking paragraphs for questions I just wrote two sentences for.”

“Well, I wanted a good mark.”

“This is getting marked?” she asked her eyes going wide

“Mrs. Lawley said yesterday after the test it was.”

“I don’t pay attention to her, she’s a bitch.”

“Well, she may be a bitch but she is your teacher and she holds your mark in her hands.”

“Hanson alert, Hanson alert.” She said punching my arm.

“What the hell Casey.”

“That’s the fucking signal.”

“Hanson Orion doesn’t need a fucking signal.”

“Yeah yeah whatever, he’s coming over here.”

“Casey.” He said winking at her, she practically melted and I rolled my eyes. “Sienna baby” he said picking up my hand and kissing my knuckles. Probably something he thought would make me ‘swoon’ but boy was he wrong. I raised my eyes playing the part though; he would only fall if I made it seem that I was somewhat interested.

“Yes Hanson?” I asked

“I was wondering if you would join me for dinner tonight?”

“Sorry dance from 4-9” I said opening my locker and grabbing an energy bar. I turned and saw his eyebrows furrowed.

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