And So It Begins

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Her story began with a peaceful life, she was raised in the middle of the woods by her single mother. Her father had been absent ever since her mother became pregnant with her. She never knew him. All she knew about him was what her mother told her. Her father did not want to leave them but was forced to because of his past mistakes. Her mother told her that it was for the better that her father left so they wouldn't be in danger.

At such a young age it was difficult to understand, but there was never an attachment for someone who was not there. So her little 5-year-old brain did not bother with it. She was more worried about what type of bug she would catch that day.

She stood behind the cabin crawling from bush to bush looking for bugs, more specifically looking for a beetle. Her knees were dirty with soil as well as her hands. She leaned on her left arm as she clutched a net with her right hand.

"LUNA! Time for lunch!!!" she heard her mother yell into the woods from the entrance of the cabin.

Luna was the name of the child. Her name had been chosen by her father before he left. she stood up using the net she was holding as support.

"Coming!" she yelled whipping her dirty hands on the overalls that she was wearing. Her red hair hitting just above her shoulder. She had dirt all over her face. A pair of yellow rainboots decorated her feet, as it had rained a few days prior.

Just as she took the first step towards her mother, a pound thumping sound resonated through the forest. The sound caused luna to stop and look towards the direction it came from.

Her mother grew nervous something told her that the sound was not good news as they lived alone in the middle of the forest far away from civilization. "Luna! Come Quick!!" she yelled desperately trying to get her child to hide in the house. She had a feeling that she knew what, more like who, was making that sound.

Luna perked up at her mother yelling, she figured from the tone of voice and her expression the noise meant something bad. She clutched her net tightly in her hand and sprinted across the small patch of grass to get to her mother. Her mother immediately picked her up and went inside closing the door. Her mother put her down near the kitchen area of the cabin and pushed the sofa in front of the door in an attempt to block the entrance of the house. Luna looked at her in panic, her mother was a usually calm person who knew how to handle situations rationally and calmly, so to see her mother panicking and with a scared expression on her face terrified luna.

"mama?..." luna whimpered out, trying to get her mother to pay attention to her so that she could calm her fears. Her mother looked at her with a forlorn expression. She knew this day would come but she didn't think it would be this soon.

"Everything is going to be okay honey. You're going to be okay" her mother's voice was soft but quivering as if she was trying to stop herself from crying.

The noise was getting louder outside, it was moving closer and closer with each passing minute. The sound became more distinct as it grew closer. Now it was easier to identify the sound as the thumping of horses and humans running towards them. Running with purpose.

Luna's mother went to a drawer in the kitchen and took out what looked like a snow globe with an island in the middle. She then ran around the cabin looking for stuff as luna stood still looking towards the door in fright. Her mother grabbed a child-sized blanket, a red riding hood, a rag doll, and a book. She stuffed everything into a bag and moved towards luna.

By now the noise came from directly outside, luna looked out the window and saw men in shining armor marching towards the door. The horses they came on munching and eating everything from the garden that she had planted with her mother years back. Her heart broke seeing the mean take the small wooden horse her mother had made for her when she was 2, and break it without a second thought.

"Luna, honey, come here mama needs to give you something" her mother called her with a panicked voice. Not wanting her mother to feel worse, luna moved away and toddled closer to her mother.

There was a banging on the door. The voice of man yelling was heard throughout the house.


Her mother's hands shook from the adrenaline rushing through her. Luna was on the verge of tears.

Red ridding hood grabbed her daughter's hand and moved both of them into the room farthest away from the front door. Once in the room, she shoved the bag and the snow globe into luna's hands. The tiny girl looked at them in confusion and then at her mother.

"my love, I know this is scary, and I would never abandon you. But know that this has to be done for your safety. In the bag, there are two letters, one for your father and one for you when you turn 16. I love you my moon." Red Ridding hood knelt in front of her daughter, the pounding at the door grew louder and louder and she knew that there was only so much that the wooden door could take before it broke, she planted a kiss on luna's forehead and stood up.

Luna was confused. Was her mother not coming with her? Where was she going? Why were the men yelling? Had she done something wrong?

Her mother spoke up again. "when I tell you to, throw the snow globe on the ground and run, you hear me? run with all your might, run no matter what happens" she then turned towards the bedroom door and stood there in an attempt to make sure that the men outside could not get to her daughter.

The front door of the cabin came down with a sickening crack. The men yelled out orders to each other, yelling to find both of them. Both luna and her mother held their breaths at the sound of the knights destroying their house in search of them.

Footsteps came closer and closer to the bedroom door, each step causing luna's heart to speed up more and more. Until they stopped. right in front of the door.

Red Ridding hood grabbed a piece of wood kept in the room for the fireplace, holding it for defense.

The doorknob twisted once. Then twice. Before the door started to begin shaking, indicating that the man behind it was trying to get in.

"IN HERE!" he yelled out to the rest of the knights.

The door shooks viciously, fortunately not breaking easily.

"luna, love, get ready...." her mother spoke softly to her. Luna looked at her in fear of what was going to happen but she did not dare disobey her mother. The clutched the bag in her left hand closer to herself and raised her right arm as if she was going to throw the snow globe to the back wall of the room.

The door started cracking. The hinges ripping from the wall. Then it came down. It all happened in a matter of seconds.

"LEAVE US ALONE!!!!" her mother yelled as she swung the plank of wood at the knight in front of her. The man dodged and grabbed her by the forearms. Taking the plank from her hands as more knights moved closer to her and luna.

"GET THE CHILD!" he yelled, restraining red riding hood.


Luna did not hesitate to throw the snow globe, dodging a knight that went to grab her. The snow globe broke against the back wall exposing what appeared the be a beach of an island.

Luna clutched the bag and ran. A knight stood in front of her, but she managed to slide between their legs. She passed to the portal, and as the wooden floor turned to sand beneath her feet, she turned around.

Her mother was being dragged away from the portal. The knights kept trying to pass through it but the portal did not allow them.

It began to slowly close.

Her mother kept yelling "LUNA FIND YOUR FATHER! I LOVE YOU!!" until it closed. Leaving luna crying alone, left by the shore.

"mama?...." she cried. alone at 5 years old.


hello! this is the rewritten first part of the story. so just a heads up that the writing style of this chapter compared to the other chapters is very different. anyways, I hope you like this chapter. 

I will be updating every Saturday. Either a new chapter or a freshly rewritten old one. 

with love, Lame_JM

Bad wolf girl (Luna hood/Carlos de vil) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now