Part 1

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| IMAGINE for @_luthien_miriel_ |

"Y/N!" The master shouts. You grumble and put down the duster. You run up the stairs to his room. "Yes, sire?" You ask, plastering a small, fake smile on your lips. "I need you to go to the market for me I had Alfrid make out a list for you." He answers. As if on queue, Alfrid steps forward to hand you a foot and a half long list. Your jaw drops. "What in the world..." You breathe, taking the list. You quickly scan the list and then look up at the master. "When's the last time you went shopping?" You ask, your eyebrows raising. "The master hasn't been shopping since he was a boy. I used to do it when he hired me; but now that you're here..." Alfrid says, looking you up and down. "Well, it's your job now." He finishes, grinning. You grimace and turn away. "Okay." You say. "Now get to it! You have an hour." The master says. You turn to look at him incredulously. "An hour?! There are over 100 items on that list and you expect to me to finish it in an hour?" You ask. You shake your head. "It's impossible." You claim. "You have 58 minutes now, Y/N, so I advise you get your cloak and head to the market." The master says. You clench your teeth and stalk off. ~

You hurry across the bridge, the clock ticking. A dog suddenly barks and it makes you jump to the side. You roughly bump into someone and your packages scatter everywhere. The man grabs your arms and steadies you. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." He says. You look up at him and take a step back. You blush. "I am so sorry." You apologize. "No, no it's not your fault." He says. You chuckle. "Yes, it was. I just ran into you." You say. "It's fine." He says, smiling. You return the smile and start to pick up your packages. "Oh, here let me help you." He says, gathering the packages. "I'm Bain, by the way." He says. "I'm Y/N." You reply. "I haven't really seen you around." Bain comments. You look at him. "I work for the Master. I'm one of his servants." You clarify. He winces and you nod, laughing under your breath. "My feelings exactly." You say. "Well, can I help you carry your packages home? You've got a ton to carry." Bain offers. You smile gratefully. "Thank you." You say. As soon as Bain helps you to the master's house, Alfrid sticks his upper half out of a window and starts yelling at you. "Y/N, you are 5 minutes late! We told you an hour, but you were gone for an hour and 5 minutes!" He spits as Bain hands you the packages. You flush with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I-I got caught up..." You answer, glancing quickly at Bain. "Well get your backside up here now, before we have your hide!" He exclaims. You heave a sigh. "Coming..." You grumble, starting to walk up the stairs. "Wait, Y/N." Bain says softly. You turn and look at him. "Yes?" You ask. "Can I see you again?" He asks wistfully. You smile a little. "Y/N!" Alfrid shouts. You sigh and you shoulders slump. "Meet me tomorrow by the wharf where the master's personal statue is. At 7 o'clock in the evening." You say. "Okay." Bain says, smiling. You hurry up the stairs and then glance at him, smiling. "Thank you, Bain." You say, holding up the packages slightly. "You're welcome, Y/N." He replies, grinning.~

You meet Bain at the wharf the next evening. His eyebrows draw when you stand in front of him., "What happened to your cheek?" He asks. You turn your head. "It's nothing." You say nonchalantly. He gently takes your chin in his hand and turns your head. "Did somebody hit you?" He asks. You force out a dead laugh. "What? No, of course not." You say. "Y/N, did someone hit you?" Bain asks sternly. You sigh and nod slowly. "Yesterday, after I had brought the packages in, the master was mad at me because I was 5 minutes late. He just slapped me in the face one time." You say, as Bain gently brushes his fingers over your bruise. His eyes darken. "He's a tyrant." He says lowly. You scoff. "He's much more than that, Bain. What he conspires behind everyone's back..." You shake your head in disgust. "He's a villain." You state. Bain sighs. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." He says. "Me too." You murmur, looking up at him. He stares at you. You cough softly. "Do-do you think we could see each other here everyday?" You ask, trying to keep your voice even. "We can try." He says softly, cupping your cheek. You turn your head into his hand, your eyes on his. A bell tolls and you jump. "I'm-I'm sorry, I need to go." You say, flustered. "The master needs his dinner." You explain. "Well can I see you here tomorrow?" Bain asks. You smile and give a slight nod. "That you will." You say, before running off.~

You meet Bain at the wharf everyday for the next two months. You like Bain a lot. He occupies most of your thoughts and spending time with him is the highlight of your day. He makes everything better and you love him. You sneak out of the master's house again and make your way to the wharf. You snuck out later than usual and now it's nighttime. "Bain!" You whisper, approaching the wharf. "Yes?" He asks, coming out from behind a box. With the low lights from the houses, you see the clear excitement in his eyes. You smile suspiciously. "What are you so excited about?" You ask. He steps forward and picks up your hands. "Y/N, how would you feel if I took you away from the master's house? If I got you away from that villain." He says. You eye him. "I think you'd know how I'd feel about that, Bain." You say. "Then come away with me, Y/N." He whispers, stepping close to you. You look up at him and search his eyes. "What..." You whisper. "I like you, Y/N. I like you a lot. I-I think... I think I even love you." Bain says softly. "Oh, Bain." You breathe, your eyes stinging with tears. "I love you too." You say,putting your hands on his chest. "And I would love to come away with you. To get away from the master." You add. Bain pulls you into his arms. "Then let's go, my darling. You will never have to go back to the master." He whispers. You close your eyes and sink against Bain. "Thank you, Bain. Thank you so much." You cry. He pulls his head and kisses you on the lips. He brushes the tears off your cheek with his hand and then cups your cheek. You stare up at him. "I love you so much, Y/N." He breathes against your lips. "And I love you, Bain. More than anything." You whisper. Bain dips his head down and kisses you deeply.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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IMAGINE: Falling in love with BainWhere stories live. Discover now