Chapter Twenty Two

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Today was a big day for Toni and the boys were asked to attend and present an award to a Autistic College student at a UNCF event in which they raised more than 3.6 billion dollars to help more than 40,000 students graduate from college. But it will be a big night for Toni and Diezel because he has been asked to present it on stage with Toni.

Once they walked in and greeted everybody the producer of the show told Toni and Diezel where to stand and where to look at so they could get there lines and not be nervous, he always informed them that if they felt that they were getting nerves that they could look at the screen for help.

"We are here to announced a special UNCF scholarship for a a student with a challenge that we all know about" she said looking at the screen and at Diezel

"Autism in which I was diagnosed when I was 3 years old" Diezel said looking at Toni

"Research shows early evidence babies intervention services can greatly approve of kids entire lives" she said

"You know what , what would improve the quality of my life mom a kiss" Diezel said

"Oh Okay" She said leaning in so that he could kiss her but he interrupted her

"But from Ariana Grande though"Diezel said as the crowd laughed

"Haha okay Ariyana Grande" she said laughing alittle as Diezel got upset to the way she said her name

"Ugh mom Ariana" Diezel said touching the bridge of his nose "What is it" she said

"Ariana Grande mom" Diezel said "My bad the first receipt ..... I can't talk I have a retainer in my mouth I'll get it tomorrow" she said as the people clapped in the audience

"You trying to steal my line mom" Diezel said "I didn't steal your line I was just talking"she said looking at him


"Were you nervous I could tell you were?" She asked sitting next to Diezel "No I wasn't nervous" he said

"How about a kiss from me, get a kiss from mommy" she said leaning in while Diezel tiggered something and it only made Toni give him even more kisses "From Ariana Grande thoughhhh" he said as she was now leaning on him

"Mommmm" Diezel said


"Okay so you know that this speaker will be here so watch your step" stage manager said as Kenny walked behind him while Toni looked and started to make faces at the boys

"Can you some how move it because you know the song we will be singing will need some movement and I don't plan on being in the hostipal tonight" she said with the mic in her hand

"Yes I will have them move it , is there anything we need to fix before the performance tonight" Mike said which was the stage manager as he looked at the both of them and they both shook there heads

"I can't think of anything right now so we should get this show on the road" Kenny said and that gave Mike the signal to start the music and they started to go over the song

They were doing everything like they planned by the teasing , and they always wanted the crowd to feel what they were they feeling it was always there aimed while they performed together. As the song came to a end they sang there last note Denim , Diezel, Mama E and the other people that were setting up gave them a round of applause and that only made them smile.

"Thanks guys and my little #1 fans" she said referring to Denim and Diezel and putting her mic on the stand

"No problem Mom, you and Kenny look and sounded good up there" Diezel said giving Toni a kiss on the cheek

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