Chapter Eight

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They order there food everybody was full and sleepy and Kenny wanted to drive home and he had his assistant get Peyton's clothes and take them to Toni's house, Kenny looked back and saw the kids were asleep and so was Toni so he took a picture.

Kenny POV

Seeing Toni and the kids having fun today just makes want to make her happy everyday, Maybe we should wait to have a baby we shouldn't rush to that just yet I love having fun with her and making her laugh, holding her when she is not feeling that great. I really need to tell her how I feel and not keep it to myself.

He then pulled up to her house he then got the keys out of Toni 's purse and open the door and went back to the car so he could get the kids in the house and put them to bed. They all went upstairs and put on there pj's and fell asleep, he turn the lights off in the boys room, Now he went to the guest room where Peyton was and found her sound asleep. He went downstairs through the door and out through the door to get Toni

"Come on Toni, time to get up we are home baby" he said

"mmmmmhmm Baby I love me some you" she said

"I love you too baby girl" he said

"Where you taking me? Where the kids at?" She said

"Right now we are going to your room and the kids are sound asleep." He said

Once they reached her room she started to change into her PJ's and got in the bed and Kenny kissed her on the forehead and slowly turn the lamp off

"I love you Ken"she said

"I love you too Tone"he said going downstairs

Kenny got the keys off the kitchen counter and locked the door and turn everything off downstairs , he changed to his pj's pants and took off his shirt he had on and pulled down his white beater , and headed up to Toni 's room and got in the bed . Kenny turned facing the door and Toni laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him and they both fall asleep.

Next Morning

Kenny woke up and started to smell the wonderful smell of breakfast so he then pulled himself up from the bed and saw he had some missed calls from his agent, So he deleted the voicemail and went back to sleep but Toni walked in with one of his shirts on and his breakfast

"Goodmorning is this all for me baby" he said

"Goodmorning to you too and yes All of this is for you"she said


"Yes , everything you see in this room standing in front of you silly"she responded

"I know, Baby what you doing and why you got my t-shirt on"he said

"Well I would like to feed you breakfast if it's okay with you, because I love wearing your clothes" she said

"No I don't need you feeding me I'm only playing but I'm not a baby though I'm a grown man"he said

"Yes you are a baby , my baby that I have to take good care of"she said

She then sat in front of him with his food beside her and started to feed it to him, She cooked some eggs, Bacon, strawberry crate and orange juice. He was really loving how he is getting all the attention but he really wanted to tell her something before there relationship goes any further.

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