Extra: Zachary Noles The (y/l/n)'s Butler(pt.2)

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Your P.o.V
After Zachary left my parents took me back home. I was still sad about Zachary leaving,but then...
Josephine's P.o.V
"Oh don't worry,darling,he'll be back."I said trying to comfort my daughter. "But for now let's just worry about the present."
Your P.o.V
Mother never likes to talk about the future only the time that is right in front of her the...present.
{2 years later}
Your P.o.V
I...I can't believe you're truly gone. I said looking down at the body in the casket trying,but not succeeding,to hold back tears. For there in the casket lied the body of my mother.
Zachary's P.o.V
I was sitting in the library reading. I had already finished my training for the day so I decided to go read.
I wonder how (y/n) is.
Your P.o.V
I remained by the casket,crying, while my father was talking with some other nobles. Mother had died of an illness that could not be cured. "I'll miss you mother." I said turning away from the casket. I waited for my father to finish up his conversation. We eventually left and we both remained silent in the carriage.
Zachary's P.o.V
I seemed to finish my training faster than some of the other boys. After I finished reading, I left the library I went back to my quarters. I made it back to the quarters and fell back on my bed. Oh I can't wait to get back to (y/n).
Your P.o.V
{8 pm}
I laid awake in my bed that night with lots of thoughts going through my head.
I wonder how Zachary is doing. I do hope he's alright. I wonder what my mother is doing. Could she be looking down on me right now?
I slowly drifted to sleep.
Well good night mother & to you as well Zachary.
{the next morning}
(7 pm)
Your P.o.V
I was awoken by Evelyn,my new maid.
"Young mistress you must get up now. We have to go into town to pick up tea for your father,new dresses for you,and Mister Noles uniform."she stated.
Zachary's P.o.V
I woke up to the voices of the other boys. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. Oh boy another day of training...I thought sarcastically.
{another 2 years later}
Your P.o.V
I woke myself up this morning. Finally Zachary is coming back! I yelled in my mind. I was now 12 years of age,my (h/c) was longer,and I had grown a few inches taller.
Zachary's P.o.V
I got up super early this morning. At last the day I get to see (y/n) again! I was extremely excited. I was already dressed and outside ,along with the other boys,waiting to be taken back to the homes we would work at.
Your P.o.V
After Evelyn did my corset, I put on an elegant ruby red dress with gold designs,and black frill on the sleeves and trim of the skirt. I put on a pair of black flats and tied my hair in a bun with a red ribbon. I ran out of my room and down the stairs waiting for Zachary to arrive.
Zachary's P.o.V
I got into the carriage and it instantly took off. I looked out the window waiting to see (y/n). I had on a waistcoat,tailcoat,and tie. We finally arrived at (y/l/n) manor. I stepped out of the carriage and gazed up at the huge manor. "It's been awhile."I said as I approached the door. I knocked and Evelyn answered it. I walked in and was escorted to the room (y/n) was in. I walked in and saw her looking out the window.
Your P.o.V
I stared out the window waiting for Zachary's arrival.
{30 minutes later}
I heard the door open and turned to see who had entered and who I saw made me extremely happy. Zachary stood there and then bowed with a smile. "My lady."he said still bowing. I stared for a second then smiled with tears in my eyes and ran up and hugged him so hard it made him fall backwards.
Zachary's P.o.V
She ran towards me and hugged me causing me to fall to the ground. I was shocked but then hugged her back smiling. We then released at each other and stared at each other for a second then gave closed eye smiles.
~later that day~
You decided to go out into town because you wanted to spend time with Zachary. Your father came along as well to be sure Zachary did what he was supposed do on his first day of being your butler.
Your P.o.V
We were walking around looking in different shops. We walked past an alley and all of a sudden... "Young mistress look out!"I heard Zachary yell but he was a little farther from me. A man with a dagger came out and was about to stab me until my dad pushed me out of the way and...
"Father!"I screamed as I saw the man stab my father in the back. My father fell to the ground laying in a puddle of his own blood I ran to his side.
Joshua's P.o.V
Blackness began to consume me I saw my dear daughter run to my side. I placed my hand,that was covered in blood,to her beautiful face. "Pl-please father stay with me you can't die."she said. "(Y-y/n),I lo-love you,"I said faintly,"please stay s-safe." I turned to face Zachary."K-keep her o-out of trouble." I saw him nod and I finally was fully consumed by darkness.
Your P.o.V
I still had his hand in my grasp and I began to cry. "Father!"I screamed.
Zachary's P.o.V
I nodded to her father as he slowly closed his eyes. I heard footsteps running down the alley and a voice in my head was telling me to go after them.
You're her butler go stop those guys.
But they had guns and daggers.
Go it doesn't matter about your life you do it for her.
Then I heard a voice say...
Zachary Noles go you won't die I promise. If you die I shall take over and you will remain alive and be able to stay with (y/n).
What are you talking about?
Just go!
I started heading off towards the alley until..."no Zachary don't go."the young mistress said crying. I gave her a reassuring smile"don't worry I'll be fine." "Al-alright."she stuttered.
I will end it here and post the last part tomorrow. Ok byes

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