Red Dreams

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 All I see is Red. 

Red like blood.

Red like those eyes

Those eyes from my dreams.

Ever so Haunting.

It was a cold night, the stars were a sight that you no longer had to your own. After all, you now lived in the city making little by being a tracker and  a hunter. It was winter of course, but there hadn't been snow in a long time. For the night, you decided it was best to rest somewhere safe...and now you were here.

 Your (E/C) eyes glanced around the small bar you decided to rest at. A old friend known as Cloud and Tifa stayed there, so you could rest easy for a few hours. Sitting by the corner you glanced outside the nearby window at the passer-by's. Your expression remained passive while you observed. The grip on the mug of coffee you had  seemed to bring feeling to your numbed fingers. You were used to the cold, but lately it has been worse outside.

Impending steps towards you made you snap out of your daze, as you glanced upwards to meet a pair of deep brown eyes, you groaned inside.

"Hello Tifa..." you managed to mumble, your eyes observed her built figure, almost in envy. Most males wanted her at their side. She could fight and was well...beautiful. You tried to hold back a glare as she pulled a seat out and sat across from you. 

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" her eyes seemed to be filled with worry. 

Why does she even care, we aren't even close or anything...

"Nothing." you replied, the monotone reply seemed to linger for a moment. Sipping at your coffee you didn't say anything else. She then sighed, standing she gently rested her hand on the leather trench coat you wore. Your body quickly tensed at her touch, it was clearly unwelcome. You glared upwards at the female, and after a few moments she yanked her hand away, clearly realizing her wrongdoing.

"Sorry....just...take care of yourself, don't work too hard ok?" her voice seemed so innocent, which only made you even more bitter as you sipped at the coffee.

" as well" you muttered. The dark haired female smiled at you, then walked over to the bar she was attending to before. 

Take care of myself my ass...I haven't slept since last week. All because HE is there...

You hummed as you finished the cup, your thoughts began to wander once more as you thought of the black and red figure that had haunted you these past few weeks. You had an encounter with a man, well you thought it was a man...about three weeks before hand. Out hunting for a bounty you spotted had been hunting a rabid wolf, you had stalked the creature for a few nights and just before you attacked he showed up...but before you could say anything he was gone and so was the wolf. It had bothered you since. 

You raised your hand, motioning for Tifa to bring you another cup. She nodded in your direction in acknowledgement. After a few moments, she was next to you refilling the cup. Around 3/4 of the way she stopped pouring. Handing you a few sugar packets and cream she paused.

"Yes?" you sighed, you knew she wanted to say something. Resting your elbow on the table your raised your hand to the side of your head, letting it rest on it. 

"(Y/N), are you waiting for someone?" she questioned, then you scoffed. The female seemed shocked at your reaction as you used your right hand to mix up the cream and sugar to your coffee. 

"Unless you can make a man in red who torments me in my dreams appear and tell me his name, then not really" you chuckled at the absurdness of the response. The woman tapped her finger against her face as if thinking. After a moment she spoke.

"Well, I only know of one who wears such a bright color on a coat." the female then shrugged, "But it couldn't be him because why would you dream of such a person?" 

"I have no clue." 

"Well, maybe you will find this mystery guy...but again who knows what dreams mean. Maybe it's telling you that you will meet him soon?" with a giggle the female grabbed the pot of coffee and walked back over to the bar, you could hear her hum a small tune as she left. 

"Maybe..." shuffling into your pocket you pulled out enough gil to pay for the coffee, after that you trudged up to the bedroom you had rented for the night. The door clicked behind you as it closed, though you didn't care. Falling onto the bed was the next course of action, aside from laying your gunblade beside you in case of an emergency. 

A premonition for the future maybe...I don't know, I feel a strange impulse when he appears in the dreams...

Sighing, you rolled onto your side. Sleep began to call your name, like a siren to a sailor...and you gave in, falling into a well needed rest.

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