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Her laughter filled the air as I tickled her sides, sounding like bells against the crisp coldness in the air. Lifting her up, Robb fell onto the bed and held her high above his face, her screams of joy and giggles making him grin like an idiot. Bringing her back down, he rubbed his nose against hers gently and she grasped his face with her small hands. She seemed to be studying him, trying to memorise his face. Her tiny fingers traced the curves, the bumps, the scars. The intensity of her gaze growing as her blue-grey eyes met his.
"I like you, Papa." The words from his daughter made him smile.
"And I like you, my gorgeous Lyanna." She clapped her hands together as he said her name and let out a squeal of delight. He laughed and pretended to bite at her neck. A knock came from the wooden door, which caused them to stop.
"Your grace, there is someone here to see you. He says it is of the utmost importance." A guard called from behind it. Releasing a disappointed sigh, Robb moved from the bed, Lyanna's hand in his grasp. She followed closely, stopping as he bent down to wrap the cream coloured furs round her small body. He pulled the dark brown ones around himself before opening the door. It swung open with a loud creak, revealing the man who had disturbed their play. The guard looked down at Lyanna and smiled before escorting them downward to the courtyard. The cold air greeted them as they stepped outside.
    A man stood with his back towards them, barking orders at the stablehands as they took his massive black destrier into the stables. Once satisfied, he gave a nod and turned round to look at them, a soft smile set upon his features.
"Well, if it isn't the wolf himself!" Grinning, the man walked towards Robb, who stood with a surprised expression. Practically running to him, he wrapped his arms around the man.
    "Jon," he breathed slowly. "What're you doing here?"
    "Well, it's been three years since my niece was born, I think it is time that I meet her." His smile never disappeared. The brown of his gaze travelled to the young girl who stood where her father had left her. He waved and she giggled. Robb turned to look at her before waving her over. She skipped to the two men, but hid shyly behind her father. A smile crept onto Robb's face as he took her hand in his. He watched as his half-brother knelt down to be at her height.
    "Hello, my princess." His voice was gentle as he waited for her reaction. Lyanna moved toward him slowly, but kept a hand on Robb's cloak, clutching it carefully.
    "Hello," she said shyly. Her voice was already thick with the accent of the north, her hair braided out of her face, curly just like her fathers. Jon seemed content, happy. It made Robb delighted to see that he liked his little flower. He watched intently as his brother traced her jawline cautiously with a finger, sliding it down the smooth, youthful skin she carried. Her eyes never left his face.
    "You're very pretty, m'lady." Jon said, he beamed up at her. It made Robb chuckle to see how happy he was to see a little girl.
    "Thank you, m'lord." The young one already knew how to speak to people who seemed of importance, and it frightened him to know how much his daughter had grown in the few years she had.
    "I am no lord, princess Lyanna." Jon chuckled before running a hand through her soft hair, combing through the ringlets. "But thank you for the title." Lyanna smiled and placed her hands on both sides of his face, studying it, judging it. Robb watched breathlessly, his heart stopping for those few moments.
"I think I know you," Robb listened to her words, a questioning glance coming from both men. How could she possibly know him? She had never seen his brother before in her life. "You look like that man down there!" The little princess pointed toward the crypts of Winterfell. She must've been talking about the statue of the father he and Jon shared, Eddard Stark. "It's scary down there, but you don't look scary." She whispered and Jon smiled.
"I like to think I'm not." He winked before turning back to Robb. He nodded and the man turned back to his daughter. "My name is Jon Snow, I'm your fathers brother, making me your uncle, young princess." Robb watched as a grin spread across Lyanna's face, she was clearly happy to have him as her relative.
"So you're Jon!" Her squeals sent chills down his back as happiness overcame him. "Papa doesn't stop talking about all the things you and he used to do!" It was true, Robb never stopped speaking of his brother who went away to the Wall. He missed him, thinking of him everyday when he watched the men of his armies train as they used to, with Bran watching eagerly. The thought brought a rueful smile to his face. His brother turned toward him and smiled.
"Neither do I." With those words said, Robb felt a hand on his own and turned to see Talisa standing beside him with the grace and beauty that only an angel could behold. His smile widened and he wrapped his arm around her slim waist.
"Who is this, my love?" She questioned as they looked at each other lovingly. Lyanna giggled before she answered.
"This is my uncle, Lord Jon." She said the words as if it were some kind of nickname, making his brother chuckle before standing up and straightening his posture.
"Well, it's lovely to finally meet you, Jon." Robb watched as Jon and his wife became acquainted.
Sweeping his gaze across the courtyard, he saw Gared as he spoke with soldiers. Even at the young age he was he was honourable and knew his duties, but he watched Lyanna anxiously, eagerly. He had befriended her almost as soon as they had met. The little girl noticed his stare, and ran to the boy. The king followed them with his gaze as they ran to the stables. After a short while he watched as they came out with Grey Wind trailing behind, the direwolf nuzzling their heels as they sprinted. The scene brought another smile to the bearded man's face as he beamed at the two. They were an odd pair to say the least, but held an amazing friendship that would certainly last a lifetime. The wolf followed them into the woods where they played everyday, the smile still resting on Robb's face.


Hours later, Grey Wind returned with two sleeping children on his strong back. They were feasting to the king's brother, and the hall seemed to roar even louder as the wolf walked in. Robb stood as he saw the animal with his daughter and her friend. Rubbing between between his ears, he gave praise to the direwolf before gently grabbing the young ones from his back. The man sent Grey Wind back to his place in the stables before excusing himself from the court and ascending the staircase to his daughters chambers'. Swinging open the door carefully, he placed the two bodies down on the furs, tucking them into the warm sheets. Walking to the window, he shut them and waited for the room to heat up. He silently thanked the old gods for having his ancestors' build Winterfell on the natural hot spring it was. A small simper look upon his features as he watched the children sleep silently.

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