Chapter 2

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Bella's P.O.V:

I'm sure my mouth is hanging wide open as my eyes trailed up and down his toned body as he smirked at my actions. Once i was finished staring at his body I felt spark go through me.

I went to hug Harry since he was my favorite pop star but when I went to do that he pushed me against the wall and slapped me right across the face. My face was burning from what he just did.

After I recovered I barley whispered.

"Why did you do that?" But unfortunately he herd me.

"Baby you are only a slave to me and if you hug me ever again I will slit your throat" he said.

He could tell I started shaking because he smirked and pressed his front half of his body on the back of mine.

"Come on baby lets go and play a game."

I froze at his words as he grabbed me and made his way over to my mother with a smile.

I saw Harry hand my mum money, in fact ALOT of money, at least about 50 grand. Once my mum got the money she walked away not saying goodbye to me, not giving me a good bye hug or kiss.

"BYE THEN!" I shout up the stairs making sure both my parents hear me go.

Harry dragged me outside and pushed me into a...omg...a black range rover.

My stomach bubbled with excitement because this was my favourite car. Harry stepped in and saw me all excited and that when he asked.

"Why are you so excited?"

"This is my favourite car. I have never been in one!" I nearly shouted and squealing at the same time.

"You obviously have never been in one because your family are poor as fuck!" He said with a smirk on his face.

I have been in the car for about an hour now in complete silence... God knows where we're going.

The window was then opened and that is when a cold breeze of wind came through the window, This made me curl up into a ball in the leather seat.

"Oi Bitch, feet down!" Harry practically growls at me.

"Then put the fucking window up!" That's when he made a quick brake and then flew the car round a corner that led into a ally.

Once he stopped my heart was racing so fast it could plunge right out of my chest.

Harry got out of the car and made his way to my side of the car. He then opened the door and put me over his shoulders.

"Please no I dont wanna be raped!"I shout.

"Im not gonna rape you, Yet anyways" He said chuckling.

He threw me down on the floor and searched through his pockets. Once he brought his hands out of his pockets I saw this wasnt just any old sharp object, no this was a knife.

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