Chapter 18

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Bellas p.o.v

The sun had finally set and I stood up to go inside. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my instagram. I slip open the balcony door and stepped in until I heard a car screech onto the drive. I ran back out with Jim behind me barking. I lifted him up and lent over the balcony to see Harry in his range rover. He got out with tasha following behing her. My tummy spun and I just ran inside, placing Jim on the floor. I went to my room and cried until the lads came in again. "Harry's a player Bella, you don't need him, do you?" Liam said crouching in front of me. "I really dunno" I said wiping tears from my eyes. They all pulled me into a group hug & then They put me in bed and tucked me in. They started singing some songs from their album 'four'. My eyes started shutting and after a few songs I drifted of.

*next day*

I woke up and went downstairs to make a glass of orange juice. On the way down the landing I heard Harry shouting. I walked in to see tasha crying. "But Harry you can't just use Bella like that! I mean I love you but your a mean man" she said standing up to him and poking his chest. "Tasha just shut up. Just leave" Harry shouted and pointed at the door. I quickly left and went for my orange juice. Tasha came a minute later and grabbed her bag. She opend the door and stepped out until I shouted 'tasha'. She came back inside. "Hey bella" she said smiling. "Hi, is your cheek okay?" I said looking at her red cheek. "Erm yeah... Harry hit me, I'm okay though" she said smiling again. "Thankyou for sticking up for me" I said smiling back. She went to the door. "It's okay" she said shutting the door.

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