When they find you

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First off, they are going to be human and able to walk around in public. Second, I will give the thingies I've seen in other scenarios stories. Hope you like it! And the Toys won't be in this, sorry.

(Y/N) = your name
(H/C) = hair color
(E/C) = eye color... Etc.


The cool night air brushed up against my skin as I strode down the street. My ears picked up a loud crying. I traced the noise to a tan basket and saw a baby girl inside.

"Hey, sweetie. What are you doing out here?" I picked her up and rocked her gently. She giggled and played with my bowtie. I noticed a slip of paper on her (f/c) blanket and opened it up, reading the contents.

"So your name is (y/n), huh. Well, (y/n), let's take you home, shall we?" I gazed in her bright (e/c) eyes. She gurgled and yawned.

"I'll take that as a yes," I chuckled. The others will love her.


I had just dropped Foxy off at the track for his 5k race training and was heading back home when I saw a little toddler waddling in the middle of the street. I hurried across and scooped her up.

"Princess, you know it's not safe to be out here alone?" I asked.

"I has no pawents. I all awone," she hung her head. My heart broke and I hugged her.

"Would you like me to be your mommy?" I asked. She nodded quickly.

"What's your name, honey?" I pressed. Her florescent (e/c) eyes gleamed.

"I'm (y/n)! I'm thwee!" She held up her fingers.

"Wanna go home and meet the rest of my family, (y/n)?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" That was enough for me. I took her by the hand and led her home.


I stepped out of the music store with my brand-new forest green bass guitar strapped to my back. As I strutted down an alleyway, I say a small box jostling about. Curiosity got the better of me, and I peeked inside. A baby girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and piercing (e/c) eyes looked up and reached for me.

"Aww, c'mere, cutie pie!" I grabbed her up. She seemed to be an orphan so I decided she could be mine.

"Let's see. I think I'll call you... (Y/N)," I thought. The girl clapped her hands and chewed on her finger. I laughed and continued on my way home.


Freddy sent me out for food, and as I came out of the store, a quiet voice caught me ear. I glanced around, and next to me feet was a little lass, walking around on her own.

"Ahoy, lassie. Where be yer parents?" I knelt down beside her.

"I awone. Nobody wants me," tears rolled down her cheeks. Her dirty (h/l) (h/c) hair fell in knots and her clothes were ragged. I felt bad and reached out me free hand to her.

"I want ye, lass, to be me daughter. What do ye say?" I asked. A smile spread across her face and she grabbed me hand, and we walked home.

"What be yer name, lassie?"

"(Y/N). I'm five. You're voice sound funny," The lass was eager to have me as her father. She is me new treasure.

Hey guys! Well, this is the first part! My first time writing a scenario story! Tell me how you're liking it so far! PEACE OUT, MAH WOLVES!!

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