When you meet the others

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"GUYSSSSSSS! C'MERE! THERE'S SOMEONE I WANT YOU TO MEET!" I hollered. Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy ran from the kitchen with worried looks.

"Is everything o.... Freddy, what is that in your hands?" Bonnie questioned. I glanced down at little (y/n) and smiled.

"This is (y/n). She was abandoned on the street, and now I'm going to be her father and take care of her," I told them. Foxy came forward and stroked her (h/l) (h/c) hair. The girl grabbed his hand and giggled.

"She be a cute little lass. Are ye up to the responsibility of taking care of a child?" He commented. I gave him a thumbs up and went to lay the child to sleep.


I opened the front door of our house and guided the little girl to my bedroom. Bonnie peeked his head in.

"Hey, Freddy wants you... Why do you have a child with you?" He gasped. (Y/N) grasped my skirt.

"This is (y/n). She's an orphan, and I'm going to make her my daughter. (Y/N), say hi to my brother, Bonnie," I nudged her. She ran up to him and hugged his legs.

"Uncle Bonnie!" She cheered. Foxy and Freddy joined Bonnie at the door.

"Arr, who be this little lass?" Foxy kneeled down to look at her.

"This is my daughter, and your new niece. (Y/N), these are your uncles Freddy and Foxy," I patted their shoulders. The toddler laughed and hugged Foxy and Freddy.

"Uncle Foxy! Uncle Freddy!"

"Ahoy, lassie. Do ye like pirates?" She nodded.

"Yer lucky, then, because yer old Uncle Foxy is a pirate!" (Y/N) clapped her hands and jumped into his arms.

"(Y/N), time for your bath," I called and took her to the bathroom. She's so adorable.


The little baby played with my vest and I snuck in the house. It was 8:37 at night and I was supposed to be home at 8:00 sharp. I crept to the stairs and stopped when the light flickered on.

"Ye should have been back over a half hour ago, lad. Where have ye been?" Foxy's voice broke the silence. I turned and faced him. Him, Freddy, and Chica gawked at the bundle I was carrying.

"Bonnie, have you got a baby?" Chica demanded. I nodded.

"She was all alone. I couldn't leave her to get hypothermia and die!" I countered.

"Well, she can stay. What's her name?" Freddy relented.

"(Y/N)." At the sound of her name, the poor girl began to cry.

"Shhhhhhhh, it's OK, daddy's got you," I rocked her back and forth, lulling her to sleep. I dismissed myself and retreated upstairs, lying her in my bed. I changed and clambered in with her, cuddling her to my chest.


"Ahoy! I be home!" I hollered. Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica strolled in and stared at the lass clinging to me waistcoat.

"Lads, lass, meet me new daughter, (y/n)," I introduce them.

"Your... daughter?" Freddy stuttered.

"Aye. The poor lassie has no home, and nobody wants her, so I'm going to be her father," I patted her head.

"Hi, kiddo! I'm your Uncle Bonnie, and this is your Uncle Freddy and Auntie Chica!" Bonnie spread his arms wide. The toddler ran into his embrace and hugged him.

"Now, (y/n), come to the bathroom. Ye be needing a bath," I waved to her.

"OK, Daddy," she grasped me hand. I'm going to love this.

Five Nights at Freddy's Daughter scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now