Chapter 1: Piano class

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One day , you're watching a piano performance with your mom .

You : Mom . Can I play piano too ?

Your mom : Hmm ..

You : Please mom ?

Your mom : Hmm ... Just ask your dad .

You : Okay .

When you and your mom got home,

You : Dad , can I play piano ?

Your dad : Oh sure honey . But you must have your own piano .

You : Aww ... *sad*

Your dad : Hmm .. Do you really want to play piano ?

You : Yes dad .. I really really really want .

Your dad : Hmm .. Okay . Let's buy you a piano next week .

You : Yaayy !!! *jumps & laughs*

Your mom : *smiles* I'm so happy for you dear .

You : *smiles* Thanks dad *hugs your dad*

Your dad : Your welcome dear . I'll do everything to make you happy . *smiles*

You : *smiles*

Your mom : So honey , [your name] must have her piano lessons .

Your dad : Yes . And I know exactly where she will have her piano lessons *smiles*

You : Yaayy !! *smiles*

1 week later, your dad bought you your own piano . And one day , your mom brought you to your piano lesson .

You : Mom I'm nervous .

Your mom : Aww .. Don't be nervous dear . It's okay . I'll be here to support you .

You : Okay mom .. *smiles & hugs your mom*

Your mom : *smiles* Go inside . 

You : *smiles & goes inside the studio*

Inside the studio , you met a boy .

Boy : Hello there . Are you new here ?

You : Uhh .. Hi . Yes I'm new here . How 'bout you ?

Boy : Naahh .. *smiles*

You : Oh . Okay .

Boy : What's your name ?

You : I'm [your name] . You ?

Boy : Greyson . Nice to meet you [your name] . *shakes your hand*

You : Nice to meet you too , Greyson . *smiles*

Greyson : *smiles*

While your teacher is teaching you how to play piano , Greyson's looking at you . And when you looked at him , his like "nothing happened"

You : Hey ! Are you looking at me ?

Greyson : What ? Me ? Looking at you ? Uhh ....

You : Hmm ?

Greyson : No . *blushing*

You : Okay . *tries to hide your smiles*

When your piano lesson is done . Greyson goes to you and ,

Greyson : Bye [your name] . See you next class . *smiles*

You : Oh . Bye too Greyson . See you too . *smiles*

Suddenly , your mom called you and you run towards her .

Your mom : How's the piano lesson , sweetie ?

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