The Return

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Damon has made his choice, Katherine's sultry voice rang in his ear "kiss me or kill me, we both know you're only capable of one.So,, which one will it be?" He had choose the first choice. He kissed her no, scratch that smashed his lips against her's pouring all those emotions he had been holding for 145 years, all the hate, betrayal, love and passion he held for her. When he found out that she wasn't in the tomb it felt like someone rip his heart out and stomp it in front of his dying eyes. For almost one and a half century he had been waiting for it, coming to the tomb and finally be able to be with Katherine again.

"This was all to be with Katherine. Now she's gone, I wanted out" depression and heartache was evident in his eyes back in 1864 when Damon found out Katherine was 'burned alive' in Fell's Church. Even though he asked Emily to save her, he still worried if she still got hurt. What if she was already dying from the fire? And even if she still alive, how does he even get to release her without the Founders Council trailing at his back? Now that he knew Katherine was never been in that tomb in the first place and literally not even once visit him or teach him to be a proper vampire as she promised rise a question out of him. Was any of it real? Or was it just part of her game?

"Wait, wait breathe pause. I have a question. Answer it right, and I'll forget the last 145 years I've spent missing you. I'll forget how much I loved you. I'll forget everything and we can start over. This can be our defining moment. Cause we have the time. That's the beauty of eternity" he gasped between words, first is to calm himself from the passionate kiss they just shared and second is to prepare his mental if it was turns out to be a lie.

"I just need the truth, just this once.." Katherine raised her hand "stop,, I know what your question is.." This time Damon caressed her cheeks and broke down all the walls and mask he's been putting on for over a century and let his human side showed. The real Damon, the sweet innocent Damon that only Katherine gets to see. "The truth is I've always thought that I love Stefan, that it was always Stefan" pain was clear showed in his eyes, you can almost hear his heart broke until she said "but then I realized that it was you Damon, it took me almost 50 years to figure it out. I loved Stefan don't get me wrong, but I'm in love with you, I still am and maybe I'll always be.." Before she finished her sentence Damon's lips crashed back against her's making her shrieked in shocked and give Damon time to say "i love you" before he continued to kiss her.

Next Morning

Katherine woke up to the sweet smell of fresh baked muffin from the kitchen. She looked around the room and saw the mess they both made last night which made her giggle. She started to put on her clothes but saw Damon's shirt lay near the door where she took it off, and decided to tease Damon a little bit. She put on his shirt and left 2 buttons open. She walked downstairs and head to the kitchen and greeted by the sight of shirtless Damon humming while prepare a glass of warm blood, sensing Katherine he looked up and about to give her a snide comments about her being such a lazybones until he saw what she wore.

Katherine put on her best innocent look and strut her way to the counters "I didn't know you can cook. Muffin? Seriously? That's very un-Damon like of you" she took a bite while waiting for his answer, Damon still oblivious to the question cleared his throat when she raised her eyebrow "maybe if you at least check up on me over the years you wouldn't missed so much" and his guards are up again, usually Katherine would've rip someone's throat out for using such a tone to her, but this is Damon, her sweet innocent Damon and she knew it was her fault that he acts this way. She lift up his chin and force him to look at her and say something that would make everyone's jaw drop. "I'm sorry, Damon. For everything" her eyes were full of tears, usually she would turn her humanity off and put on a brave face. But there's something about Damon that made her feel save enough to show the real her. What she used to be, the sweet, caring, trustful Katerina Petrova. Damon sighed "why?" Katherine looked away, can't stand the look Damon gave her "Damon you don't understand, I've turned off my humanity for over 300 years, then I met you and you give me a hope of a second chance. I never felt more human not even when I was human. All I remember is how my own parents disowned me when I needed them the most, threw me away to England, the foreign country. I didn't know the language, where I'm gonna live. Then I met Klaus and Elijah the Mikaelson brothers. I fell in love with him, Klaus out of all people then I found out that he had been wanting me dead ever since he learned my name. Damon I learned the hard way that if I don't put myself first, no one would" Damon caressed her cheek before he said "I would. You don't have to be that way again. You can trust me"

Katherine gave him her best smile and gave him a peck on the lips "Elijah? Klaus?" Damon felt jealousy course through him when she mention that she used to love someone else. No matter even if that happened centuries ago. "I don't really want to talk about it Damon, not now. One day I will, I promise. Besides we have an eternity before us don't we?" The seductive Katherine came back as she put her arms around Damon's waist. "Yes we do, Miss Katherine" just when he was about to kiss her the front door slammed, and Stefan barge in with Elena. The couple just stand there with a shocked expressions on their  face. "Have you heard of knocking, brother?" Damon sneered at the sight of his oh-so-judgmental-brother and his Saint-virgin-Marry kind of girlfriend. "Damon, you can't trust her. She's been lying to you all this time, whatever feeling you have for her is not real. Damon don't let her fool you again" Damon rolled his eyes as he walked towards Stefan "please! Even if she used me as one of her pawns I don't see why it bothers you in the first place. The reason why I came back here is to save Katherine from the tomb but since she's never been in that tomb in the first place, I used your too trusting girlfriend as a distraction, no offense Lena. But now that Katherine's back and obviously want me as any other normal girl would I'll leave, just like I promised. Isn't that what you want?"
Elena looked as if someone staked her right in the chest when Damon said that she's just a 'distraction'. It's not like she actually have any romantic feeling towards the elder brother but it still hurts. Katherine the one whose quiet this whole time saw her face and rolled her eyes before standing up and make his way in front of Stefan. "Well this is lovely as always Stefan but Damon and I kind of have an unfinished business so if you could have just leave and please bring your pet along with you" Stefan gave Katherine a stern glare. Elena looked over Katherine from head to toe which made Katherine glare at her "is there a problem?!" Elena gulped and manage to reply her "how do we look exactly alike?" Now, it's Katherine's turn to eyed her from head to toe. The more she looked over Elena, the more disdain look showed on her face "actually,, I'm much prettier" Damon snickered at the tone she was using and kissed her head. "Of course you do Kat. She's just a cheap copy compares to you" Katherine and Damon laughed while Elena tried to hide the hurt expression on her face, Stefan sensed it and put a soothing arm on her back "we both are out to school, we expect you to leave by then" Damon scoffed at his younger brother "it'll be my genuine pleasure"

Stefan gave a simple nod and a glare in Katherine's direction and led Elena out to the door. After Damon heard the car speeding out, Damon looked at the love of his life "where do you fancy on going, Miss Katherine?"

Author's Note
Hi guys, this is my first fanfic. I can't get this idea out of my head and I knew I had to wrote it. Even if there's no viewers I just had to. I know most people think that Katherine's a total bitch from the way she treated the Salvatores but honestly Katherine is the most interesting character in the series. BTW I wrote a story before it's called Love Blooms In Paris and if you guys interested you can read it as well. I took some of the original lines because I love them so much. By the way sorry if it's not exactly the same, and I'm sorry if there's any spelling or grammar mistake. Enjoy.

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