Dreams and Nightmares

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George was walking on a sidewalk in an unknown location. He heard a noise and turned.

"Why so sad, Weasley?" Asked Fred.

"You're dead. I miss you."

"Nah! Don't be sad. I don't want you sad!" And Fred cried like a baby...

George woke up. What the Hell was that? He chuckled and went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, in Arianna's residence.

Arianna was sitting in front of a fire. A man approached her.
"Miss Flames. Harry Potter is dead. He has been killed."

The man was replaced by Sirius. "I thought you'd save him. You said you'd help him! Reckless Godmother."

He was replaced by James. "Ari, I made you godmother for a reason. Why don't you protect him? I'm disappointed? "

And then Lily, James and Sirius were confronting her.
"No! Harry can't be dead! NO! NO!"

She woke up with a start and tried to catch her breath.

Harry's dream was even more pathetic.
"Potter! You've failed Herbology once again." Mcgonagall said to James Potter.

"That's because Lily's married Snape! " Cried James.

Lily cackled. "Yes, I have! And u have two sons named Harry and Snivellus! Hahaha, and there's nothing you can do about it!"

As James pulled out his wand, Harry woke up to the sound of the door knocking.

Harry pulled on his robe and went downstairs. Who on Earth was there at 2 in the morning?

Harry opened the door. It was Arianna, panting. "You're alive." She sighed as she came in.

"So am I supposed to be dead?"

"No! No no no! Just a stupid nightmare. You died." She shook her head. "Sorry to disturb you. I'll leave. Go to sleep." She said.

"You can't leave now. The rain's turned into a storm."

"Oh no! Is Padfoot's room empty?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's empty. I stay in the one that had the Phineas Nigellus portrait. "

"Oh yes. I'll go to Padfoot's. Good night, Harry. Stay alive. "

"Night, Ari. I'll survive the night. "

She smiled and went upstairs to Sirius' room.

Harry woke up in the morning to a delicious smell.

He showered and dressed and went downstairs.

Arianna was standing in the kitchen. "Breakfast's ready, Harry." She called.

There was bread and egg on the table. Harry sat down and she sat in front of him.

She took a piece of bread and buttered it. She spread some egg on it. She took a roasted potato and spread it onto the bread. After a few more ingredients, the sandwich was ready. She handed it to Harry.

She smiled as he ate his. "You know, Lily taught me to cook. I knew the basics but she was amazing!"

"Really? And my father?"

"James couldn't even cut a carrot!" She laughed. "He and Sirius tried to make breakfast, once. They burned half of my kitchen!"

"Woah. So what did you do to them? "

"Remus, Lily and I made them clean up the mess. And Lily scolded them. And Remus told them they were idiots. And I told them they weren't allowed in my kitchen." She smirked. "But my punishment was never put to practise."

After breakfast, she left for the Auror Office. "I'll see you tonight. We're going to Malfoy Manor!"

And she left.

A/N. Really short chapter? I know.
It's 2.30 in the morning and I have to wake up at 5 for school.
You'll get a longer update later.


~ Crystal

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