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I could hear the music pounding from inside the loft as I strolled towards the large sliding door and I rolled my eyes as I balanced the paper bag in my hand under my arm so that I could hold the carrying tray of coffee while opening the door with the other. I closed the door behind me before I grabbed the bag with my free hand as I walked into the loft and my gaze immediately landed on a shirtless Derek as he did push-ups further in the room.

"Sophie, I just got rid of you. Go home. Go to school. Go away." He scolded me in a strained voice without looking up and I rolled my eyes at him as I wandered further into the loft without saying a word. I heard him grunt as he climbed to his feet behind me but I just walked into the small kitchenette area hidden around the cut out wall. "Sophie, what are you doing here?"

"I brought you coffee and muffins." I told him simply as I set the bag and tray both down on the counter without looking at him. I could feel his presence next to me as he leaned his side against the counter and I swallowed roughly as I distracted myself by taking my own coffee out of the tray. I could smell the sweat dripping down his muscular torso as I bit down on my lower lip and I cleared my throat gently as I brushed my hair off of my neck.

"Thank you." Derek said gratefully as he reached over me to grab his own coffee cup and I immediately leaned back so that his skin didn't touch me as I nodded absently.


"Are you okay?" he asked me in concern as his eyebrows pulled down slightly and I made a vaguely affirmative noise in the back of my throat as I took a sip of my coffee. I closed my eyes for a moment as the scolding liquid slid down my throat and I could sense his gaze still on me as he drank his own coffee silently. An annoyed groan escaped my lips as I threw my head back and I slammed my cup down on the counter as I turned to face Derek with a distressed expression.

"No! No, I'm not okay. I have all this pent up tension and you're standing there, all sweaty and hot as hell, and it's screwing with my hormones. I haven't had sex since Aiden died. That's the longest I've gone without sex since I lost my virginity. I'm going crazy here, Derek." I snapped at him in frustration as I ran both my hands through my hair with a scowl and an amused smile spread across his lips but he tried to hide it behind his coffee cup as I narrowed my eyes at him. "It's not funny."

"Why didn't you just go home with some guy?"

"You don't think I tried? I went clubbing all the time, I meet guys all the time. But whenever I tried to do anything more than make out, I'd get stupid Aiden's stupid voice in my stupid head."

"Maybe that's a sign you're not ready to move on." He suggested sympathetically as he placed his cup down and turned around to lean both his hands on the counter as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I. Don't. Care. I'm. Going. Insane." I enunciated clearly with annoyance in my voice as I glared at him for finding the situation amusing and he chuckled lowly as he looked away from my aggravated expression. I reached out to punch him in the shoulder with a pout on my lips and he quickly grabbed my wrist before it could touch him as he raised both his eyebrows, silently daring me to make a move. A slow smile spread across my lips as I used my other hand to aim a punch to his stomach but he spun me around and pulled me back against his well-defined chest as I let out a startled gasp. One of his arms wrapped around my lower stomach as the other rested on one of my arms and I breathed out a chuckle as I tried not to react in any other way to the warmth his body was emitting.

"Your move." He whispered in my ear teasingly as his breath on my skin made me shiver and I tilted my head to the side with my closed fluttering closed as his lips ghosted over the side of my neck.

"This isn't why I came over." I whispered breathlessly because I needed him to know that didn't come to the loft this purpose, I didn't seek him out in order to use him as a stress ball.

Rising Moon: Evolve | Teen Wolf ( 3 )Where stories live. Discover now