Chapter 2 "Magnolia Park"

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I went home from the guild. I look at the time and it's already 5 in the afternoon. Oh I must ready myself! I totally forgot that I have to meet Natsu in Magnolia Park this 6 in evening. What did he mean by VERY IMPORTANT? Didn't he mean.. No no it's impossible that he would confess to me and I was really embarrassed at that time when I thought he would confess to me. Hehehe.. But what if he would really confess? Wh-what sh-should I do? I mean I love him but I don't know if he loves me or not. I think he has a thing for Lisanna and I have nothing to do with it. I'll just support him as my best friend. Yeah it hurts but I accepted it. Gotta take a warm bath now.

I undressed myself and unclipped my bra and took off everything then I placed myself at the bath tub. Ahh feels good! I really love soaking in a hot bath. It makes me relaxed and forget my problems. I'm still thinking why would Natsu want to talk something important at the Magnolia Park? Hmm.. Maybe he found some treasure and he would like Virgo's help again. I sighed. Oh I must get dressed now! I will be late if I continued thinking some things again.

I walked my way to Magnolia Park and the boat men told me to be careful again. Geez! Now I wonder why am I dressing this again? (Refer to the picture above)

Now I'm arrived at the park. Hmm.. I wonder where the heck--


Oh there he is. Hmm I notice his scent. It seems different than before. I smiled to him and waved at him. "Hey Natsu! What did you want to talk about?". He paused for a minute and it seems he's staring at me. "Hey stop staring at me! I'll melt down!" I teased him. "E-a-i-a.." He stammered out. I laughed at him then we sat at the bench.


Now I'm all fired up! I quickly ran out to my house before Happy can wake up. Maybe he'll ruin this special day or what it's called? Oh nevermind.

I'm so excited yet nervous! Hmm.. I hope nobody would interfere because I was looking forward on confessing to her. I took enough courage to show her my feelings. Oh she's over there! I ran and shouted at her.


She turned around and my feet automatically stopped. I was staring at her with a little blush on my cheeks. I should have known before that she was this beautiful and sexy. Does she know that I'm confessing to her or she was really that dense?

"Hey stop staring at me! I'll melt down!" she said and laughed. "E-a-i-a.." was all I can say then she laughed at me again then we sat together at the bench near a tree.

"So what's that VERY IMPORTANT thingy?" she spoke. "Uhh.. I.. I really wanted to say this to you but.." I stammered. Damn it! I'm shaking in nervous! "Geez! I know why you brought me in here." she said. I give her a surprise look. "You were just about to ask for my help again because you found some treasure again. Geez Nat--" I cut her off in her conversation. "No that's not it! I-I.." I was blushing madly and she was curious about it. "What is it? Spill it already!" She yelled. "I-I like youu.." I lowered my voice and she doesn't seem to heard it. "Huh? What are you talking about? Hey! Look at me!" She protested. "I like--"

"There you are Natsu! I've been looking for you!"
I turn around and saw Lisanna standing and smiling. Damn it!!
"What do you want?" I gave her a bored look. "Well Mira-nee was looking for you."


"Huh? What are you talking about? Hey! Look at me!" I yelled. "I like--"

"There you are Natsu! I've been looking for you!" I turn around and my guess was right. It was Lisanna.
"What do you want?" Natsu asked. "Well Mira-nee was looking for you." Lisanna replied. Well it seems I need to leave now. I have to give them their time. Good luck Natsu. I was gonna step out when Natsu grabbed my hand.
"Where are you going?" He asked. "I've gotta go now. I'm really pretty tired. Good night! See ya!" I lied. "Oh really? Mira-nee was looking for you too." Lisanna added. "I'm sorry. Tell Mira I'm tired and please say sorry to her for me ok?" I smiled. A fake one. "Ok goodnight Lucy!" She smiled. I just nod and walks away. Then I headed my way back home and I notice my vision is blurry. Oh am I crying? Well I'll sleep it for now.

Phew! Finished! Now what will gonna happen next? Well find it out on my next chapter and oh don't ever ever forget to comment or vote. See ya!

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