Chapter 2 New School

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When I got to school I was really nerves but I had Alice and Rosalie to show me to my class and then they said have fun Bella I said I'll try. When they left a little boy came up to be and said you must be Bella Cullen I am Jacob Black. Then I said Hi it is nice to met you. Then are teacher said sit down please are teacher is named Mrs. Swan she is really nice. Mrs. Swan said Bella you can sit down by Jacob so I sat down.

It was finally lunch time and I found Allis and Rosalie and my brothers and sat by them. I did not eat any of my lunch like my family because I was not hungry then Edward asked how my day was and I said good I met a friend his name is Jacob Black he is cool. Alice said Bella why didn't you eat any of your lunch then I said I was not hungry then Alice said okay then lets bring up are trays up then so we did and then I had to go back to class.

When I got back to the class I sat by Jacob he said it is time for math then I said “YES I love math”. When I got my math home work I was really happy the problems where easy they where like 56+29, 47+ 2, 69- 56, and 2 times 5. I got done with my math and I got them all right I was so happy. Finally it was 3:15 and it was time to go Alice and Rosalie came to get me I said goodbye to Mrs. Swan and gave her a hug then said goodbye to Jacob.

When I got home I got my ridding cloths on and Alice came ridding with me in the wood. I told Allis “ I had really fun riding with her and I hope we could do it again sometime”. Two hours latter I took a shower and got in to my pink P.Js then Allis told he a story about a horse named Flicka she was an all black horse and was wild intel a little girl like me tamed her.

It is know day two of school and living in this home. It was like the same like yesterday morning Alice and Rosalie come in and do my hair and get me dressed but today I was waring an all blue dress and the same black flip flops and my hair was put up in a pony tale and curled it looked really cute. Then I went to school and talked to Jacob and had spelling it was rally BORING. Then we had play time all I did was sit in my chair and colored a picture for Alice it had to people ridding horses. After play time it was lunch and I gave Allis the picture and said you are a good artist then I said thanks then she gave me a hug and I ate some of my lunch. After eating I went back to class and had math.

We did some what like we did yesterday and did simple questions. Most of the time in math I was talking to Jacob and laughing it was fun.


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