♥03♥ To understand a man, you must be a man!

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Kasamatsu has been put in the spotlight of embarrassment recently and he can't understand why Kise's older twin kept pestering him again and again at any given opportunities. 'She must be doing these things to spite me', he actually thought this was the only reason why she would pester him through embarrassing him. Kasamatsu just don't understand him; she's beautiful enough to have any guys crawling to her, why does she have to go after him? 


"Eh?! Again?!" He turned around to see something he didn't expect at all! Why was Rui wearing Kaijou's boy's uniform?! 

"What's with your get up, brat?" 

"In order to understand you, I decided to be a man for the day!" 

"A man, huh? Good luck with that." 

"Yes! With Senpai's support and love, I will do my best!" 

"I don't where you are going with this but good luck to you." 

Rui came up with this idea during dinner last night. During dinner, their older sisters were saying something about not finding the right guy and Kise decided to say that it was because they kept friend-zoning the good guys and then go out with morons. There was an eruption of argument here and there and Rui got front row seat for it. She remember her brother saying 'You don't understand how a guy would feel because you don't have a dick'. 

'Ryouta is right, I have to be a man in order to understand how  guy would feel. Hmm... I am dressed like a guy but there is much more than dressing up like a guy.' Rui walked into class, not taking notice of the stares she was receiving; it's only natural people would look at you when you're beautiful. The perks of being a beautiful person was that even if you wear something ugly or weird, your beautiful face will make up for it. 

The teacher walked in and her eyes went to Rui. Rui's usual pigtails were replaced by a single hair bobble. 

'What's with her getup? Has her senpai noticed her yet?' Yes, her homeroom teacher know about her crush for Kasamatsu. She chose not to voice it because she'd rather watch it play through. "Anyway, let's start the register..."


"What is your twin trying to achieve?" Kasamatsu was a little curious so he asked Kise about Rui's intentions. 

"She is just trying to get you to notice her." 

"I notice she is a moron." 

"Don't say that about my sister, Senpai." 

"Why does she want me to notice her so much?" 

"Because she-" 

"Wahhh....! Kasamatsu-senpai....!" 

Kasamatsu looked at Rui's direction and he dropped his jaw when he can see that she was a mess. Her hair was dripping wet, her uniform was unsightly... She has clearly been hit a few times or two. 

Kise got up from the bleacher, quick to ask his twin what lead to her getting beaten up. 

'Don't tell me she really got mistaken for a guy and got beaten up by a real guy!' 

"I just got beaten up by the wrestling club members..." 

'Why is my guess right?!' Kise didn't think it was possible for her to be mistaken as a boy! Were those wrestling club members for real?! 

Kasamatsu asked Rui what lead to the scenario where she got beaten up. He had to push a hand against Rui's face to prevent her crying face from invading his very own personal space. 

♥Notice me, Senpai♥KnB♥Kasamatsu YukioWhere stories live. Discover now