♥05♥ Love starts from square 1

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It has been a week since he has told Rui that he doesn't like her and never will. He should be happy that the smaller blonde hasn't been bothering him with her love confessions to him but he was...bored. He was bored of school life, only club activities were able to bring the kick into it for a few hours. 

At times he would find himself staring at his classroom's door, wondering when Rui will pop out and tell him that she loves him. He doesn't love her back or anything, he just missed the way she made non-club activities a little less boring. It has been a week since she popped into the 3rd year's classroom and it made him wonder if he has been a bit too harsh on her...

Kasamatsu sighed again and it finally annoyed Moriyama Yoshitaka to the point something had to be said. 

"What's wrong?" Moriyama asked him, a little annoyed how his friend always bottled his personal troubles to himself. 

Kasamatsu was not the type of person to tell everyone what he's bothered about but there were times where he can't find the answer and hoped someone will give him a little hint. He's not entirely sure if telling Moriyama a thing was a good idea but he told him anyway.

"Rui-chan hasn't been popping into our sight recently. Don't you wonder what she's doing?" 

"Not really." Kasamatsu lied, trying to hide his feelings with the basketball monthly magazine.

"You're such a bad liar, Kasamatsu. Honestly, do you really hate her?" 

Kasamatsu said it so easily to her a week ago. Why can't he say it now? Was it because it wasn't true after all? 

"Kasamatsu, pretend to be an outsider and you hear a senpai tell his kouhai that he hates her. What do you think this senpai?" Moriyama got Kasamatsu thinking on the spot. 

"I guess 'hate' is a powerful word..." 

"Even if you are telling her the truth, you should have been a little more careful about your wording. I bet the reason why she's not bothering you now is because she thinks you hate her." 

"I just wanted her to be normal, that's all." Kasamatsu had to apologize somehow, "I'll tell Kise to tell her that I'm sorry-"

"You have to tell her personally. You can't rely on the ace for something like that." 


"How would you like it if Kise uses Hayakawa to apologize for being late?" 

"I guess I would be annoyed. I'd kick Kise for that." 

"So why are you thinking it's okay for you to do the same thing?" Moriyama trapped him there. Kasamatsu sighed again, deciding he will need to have a long talk with Rui. 

Rui hasn't bothered Kasamatsu because she decided to pay attention to something else other than this one-sided love. She decided that she will take things one step at a time with her feelings for Kasamatsu. She may not look like it but she has been thinking about it long and hard; love doesn't seem believable when it's constantly used. Maybe the reason why Kasamatsu doesn't believe her love for him was because she kept saying it that it has become nothing but mere words. 

"I wonder what Kasamatsu-senpai is doing..." She wanted to see how he's doing just to see his face but she told herself not to do so. 

"Rui-chan, can I talk to you in private?" Rui looked up from her seat to see a boy in the same year but different class. The girls and boys all looked at Rui and the other boy, anticipating a confession of love between them. 

Kasamatsu was making his way to Rui's classroom to have a talk with her but when he got there, she was following another boy elsewhere. 

♥Notice me, Senpai♥KnB♥Kasamatsu YukioWhere stories live. Discover now