Chapter 11

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32 years into the future
Percy's POV (age 20)
"Lia are you sure you want to do this?" I asked my fiancé (as of last night). Lia giggled and nodded.
"Yes Percy obviously your family will be happy." She replied.
"True but you know my mum and sisters they can be a little overboard." I explained giving her the look.
"I love your mum and sisters now let's go." Lia exclaimed walking up to the door. I sighed and followed.
"We're here!" I called through my older sister Lilia's house. Every month we have family dinner and each time we switch houses.
"In the kitchen." I heard Lilia call. I wrapped my hand in Lia's and we walked into the kitchen. We are a little early so the only people here are Lilia and Teddy and they're two kids Nymphie and Carly whom are 13 and 9. My only brother Nathan sat at the kitchen table holding his 2 month old son while my sister in law Amy fed him.
"Hello all." I smiled
"Hey." the 8 month pregnant Lilia exclaimed waddling over and hugging Lia and I. We talked about life for a while until my sister Emma walked in with her husband. Soon after my sister and Emma's twin walked in with her 6 year old Erin. Then finally my parents.
"Alright before we eat Lia and I have an announcement." I smiled standing up from the dining table.
"You didn't get her pregnant right? Because all of my kids either have kids or are expecting kids and I'm only 50." my dad exclaimed receiving a slap on the arm from my mum.
"Oh shut it Fred you love all your grandchildren." mum exclaimed.
"I never said I didn't love them but I have 4 grandchildren and 2 on the way and I'm only 50."
"Shhhh let Percy speak." Emma said hushing our parents. Both Mum and dad glared at Emma but then turned to me signaling to continue.
"Okay well as of last night Lia is not my girlfriend." everyone in my family gave us confused looks. "she isn't my girlfriend anymore because she is my fiancé." I smiled.
"Oh my god!! Really aw my baby!" My mum exclaimed standing up and hugging me.
"Of for Christ sakes Paige let the boy go." my dad exclaimed.
"Well hey dad you were right she isn't pregnant." I smiled after my mum let go I wrapped an arm around Lia.
"Actually." Lia began. My dad stood up and walked away.
"No nope no not happening." my dad exclaimed walking off. I looked at my family and laughed. I wouldn't have this night go any other way.
present day
Paige's POV
"How many kids do you want?" Fred asked me. At the moment we were lying in bed enjoying the piece and quiet.
"I don't one or two. how about you?" I asked looking up at him.
"5 and I hope they all have kids. I want a big family." he smiled.
"Who's the Mum?" I laughed.
"You." he replied in a sing song voice.
"Yeah no. I went into a coma after Lilia no more." I said sternly.
"Just 4 more."
"Fred If you like it then you better put a ring on it." I smiled before standing up and walking from the room.
kinda short but I think it's adorable. I love how Fred now wants kids but later he's like no. okay yay I'll up date tomorrow! Love ya! Almost forgot the video is Lia and Percy when there book takes place aka when they are young.

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