Chapter 4

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Paige's POV

"UGH! Just stop!" I said. Fred and I were in our room discussing money and he was talking about taking a second and third job.

"Paige! How are we going to support this baby? You don't have a job and I doubt the joke shop will be enough!" Fred said in panic. I sat next to him on the edge of the bed.

"Fred, all this baby needs is love." I moved his hand so that it was resting on my stomach. "We have plenty of love." Fred kept his hand on the bump yet I knew he was still thinking about taking on more jobs.

"Paige a baby needs more then love. they need diapers and-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"Fred stop! Right now we need to worry about staying hidden and staying alive the baby drama can wait." I pecked his cheek before standing up and leaving the bedroom.

"Hey Paige is everything alright? I thought I heard yelling." George said as I walked into kitchen. He and Jane were sitting at the small kitchen table with two cups of tea.

"Just drama." I sighed walking over to the kettle and pouring myself a cup of tea.

"Care to explain?" Jane asked. I grabbed my tea and sat down at the table.

"Fred is just worrying about money." I sighed.

"Again?!" Jane asked raising an eyebrow. I simply nodded taking a sip of my tea. Since I told Fred I was pregnant he has been worrying about money and it's stressing everyone out. Me the most.

"Paige, Echo just dropped these off." Fred said as he entered the kitchen handing me 2 small notes. I opened the one from Harry first.

Dear Paige,

I just wanted to write and let you know I am okay. I hope everyone back home is safe. Sorry this letter is so short but I need to go.

I love you!


I smiled at the note and set it down and opened the next one from McGonagall.

Miss. Potter,

I am sad to hear that you are not returning to Hogwarts for your final year but I wish you luck on your journey through motherhood. Even though you are not finishing your final year of Hogwarts would love for you to return and be a student teacher and maybe one day be a professor. You are to smart to stay at home with a baby. Please reply soon.


I had to hold my self from screaming. It has always been my dream to work at Hogwarts!

"What happened? I have never seen you smile so much." Jane asked. I handed her the letter. I watched as her eyes scanned it and then saw her smile.

"Oh my god! Paige that's amazing!!!" Jane ran over and hugged me. Fred and George took the note and read it.

"Paige that's awesome!" George exclaimed as he hugged me.

"How will you work at Hogwarts ten months a year and still have time for the baby?" Fred asked. Jane and George pulled away from me.

"I don't know Fred." I sighed I could tell a fight was coming.

"Hey George let's give them some privacy." Jane said as she took George's hand and pulled him out of the kitchen.

"Paige this is amazing but I don't think you can accept." Fred said as he leaned against the counter.

"Fred this is my dream." I exclaimed. I thought he would understand.

"Paige! We are about to have a child!" He yelled.

"And? I can do both maybe we can live by the school and I can be at home at night and on the weekends." I said calmly.

"Paige what about us? Paige I want to marry you! Do you know how hard it is to be married and raise a family when you are never home?" Fred questioned. Did he just say he wanted to marry me?

"Wait back it up. You want to marry me? Fred I'm 17!" I exclaimed.

"Paige I love you and we are starting a family I think we should get married. Wait do you not want to marry me?" Fred questioned.

"Fred I love you of course but I don't know I'm 17. I am still a child."

"A child who is having a child." He shot at me.

"Do you think I asked for this!? Fred I am 17 I should be out with friends and getting ready for my final year but here I am pregnant!" I yelled.

"What do you think I wanted this?! Paige I shouldn't have to worry about money but guess what you are pregnant and we can't do anything about it!" He yelled back.

"Just cause I am pregnant doesn't mean we have to get married. I don't think I want to get married." I said



"Paige here I am pouring my heart out to you and know you are telling me you don't want to be married to me ever!" Fred yelled.

"That doesn't mean I don't love you." I replied.

"Then what does it mean?!"

"I don't know! But I know that I am not going to be spending the rest of my life watching children while you are at work! That isn't me!" I screamed

"You know what go to Hogwarts! See if I care!" Fred yelled before storming out of the kitchen. I sat down in one of the chairs and placed my hand on my stomach.

"It's just you and me."

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