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Before the story starts, all of it is switching from the readers and Erens POV, ok? Ok. Your POV first. And sorry if Erens OOC


Levi-heichou gave us a few days off after the expedition. Thank wall Maria! Right now, I'm with my best friend, Eren. Armin, and Mikasa didn't wanna go, which was really weird for them. We're in Trost, exploring. Eren and I found this awesome forest. Today's really fun so far! Oh, it's nighttime.


(F,n) and I went to go sleep in a meadow next to the forest. It was really quiet. I was cold so I pulled something to my chest. So warm. I had fun today. I'm glad to have (f,n) as my best friend. "Good night (f,n)" I whispered and fell asleep.


I woke up from the sun and looked around, wondering where I was when I remembered last night. I smiled softly and tried to get up. I was pulled down so I looked behind me, Eren. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. Turns out he was hugging me. He's warm. I started to play with his hair. His hairs soft. Without myself knowing, I kissed his head. WHATS WRONG WITH ME. YOU DONT JUST DO THAT TO YOUR BEST FRIEND. I blushed like crazy. "Eren? Eren, wake up"


I felt someone shaking me, so I woke up and found (f,n) there, blushing. She was inches from my face. Cute. Then I woke up fully and realized the situation. She was the warm thing I held, and she was too close for comfort. I quickly let her go, blushing madly. "Sorry (F,n)! I was a bit cold last night." I rubbed the back o my neck and smiled sheepishly. I feel a bit disappointed about letting her go though, wonder why.


The two of us walked back to the HQ and ate breakfast together. There wasn't anyone on the cafeteria because it passed breakfast and almost everyone was outside. Sasha took a ton of soup, and apparently there was a food fight, so there was only a bowl left. Eren let me have it, and we had our own bread.
I feel a bit bad. "Oh Eren, I have an idea! You take half and I'll eat half! Here, take your half first." I took the spoon and said "Say 'Ahh'" He opened his mouth, and I fed him. When he had his half, I was eating my own half with the same spoon when I noticed Eren's face was red.
"Eren? What's wrong? You ok?" I asked worried while feeling his face. His face got more red as he answered. "I'm ok. It's just that... Your using the same spoon that I used. Isn't that an i-indirect kiss?" I blushed madly and stared at the spoon. "Errr... Umm... Then does that mean?" I couldn't find words. Then he said "That was my first" softly.
"IMSOSORRYITOOKYOURFIRSTEVENIFITWASMYFIRSTTOOYOUDESERVEBETTERANDIMSOSOSORRYYYY" His eyes widened. "That was your first kiss too?!? Um. Uh. You know what? We'll just forget about this and say it never happened ok?" For some reason, my heart felt destroyed.


The next day, (f,n) and I weren't awkward about it anymore. We went to hang out with the others. At lunch, I saw (f,n) talking and smiling with Armin. My stomach felt weird and I wanted to punch my second best friend, Armin. I shouldn't be like that. Armins a good guy, he did nothing wrong. Then, I saw Armin look towards me, so I looked away for a second, then saw (F,n) blushing while looking at Armin. DAMN IT I HATE IT. What's going on with me.


Every time I would see Eren, my heart would beat really fast, and every single time he would be cuter. I know we're just best friends but look AT HIS FACE. What was I supposed to do?!?! I think I might like him. NO. I'm a crazy lady who'll grow up forever alone. Yeah. But every time I hug him, I feel his heartbeat, which is always faster than mine. Does that mean he likes me- NO NO NO. Get your mind outta the gutter.
Your gonna be a forever alone person who will die on the battlefield.


(F,n) is all I think about now. I found out I liked her two days ago. Now, there's no more days off and the whole Survey Corps is getting their cleaning schedule. "Jaeger! (L,n)! Clean the upstairs bedrooms." I was half happy, half worried. I wanted to confess but, I think she only thinks of me as a friend. I sighed and went upstairs with some cleaning supplies.


I like Eren, but he probably only thinks of me as his friend. But lucks on my bad side today. I have to clean with Eren. I went upstairs in my cleaning outfit and opened the first bedroom to find Eren scrubbing the floor. He looked up and smiled before scrubbing again. My childish instincts took over and I climbed on Erens back.
"Horsey!" I laughed along with him as he made horse noises and only responded when he was called 'Jean'. I love this guy. Wait... Love... Eren... I love him... Riding... Eren... I blushed at my dirty thoughts and rolled Eren over so we both were laying down on our sides, looking at each other.
We both blushed madly, because our noses were touching. None of us moved and we looked into each other's eyes.
"That is dirty shit Ackerman! Redo it!" We heard and we shot up and started cleaning again.


(F,n)'s adorable. She's perfect. I know I love her. But I don't know how to confess. So I asked Armin. He's smart.
He told me to tell her to meet me at a nice place, and make her wear something nice then confess. ARMINS A GENIUS.
I wrote (F,n) a note to meet me in a cafeteria and to wear something nice at 10. I'm nervous but I guess I could get the guts to say three simple words to her. 'I love you.' But the last five are gonna be hard to say. 'Will you be my girlfriend?'
At 10, I put on a tux, and my friends and Hanji helped make the cafeteria look nice. They took turns distracting her so she wouldn't come in. I'm so nervous.
Sasha cooked a dinner for us, in exchange for a little meat.
9:30 is when everyone left to sleep and said their 'goodbyes' and 'good lucks'. Everything was awesome.


Me and my stupid fantasies. Eren? Liking me? Really? But why would he ask me to meet him in the cafeteria at 10, while wearing something nice?!? This is the perfect time to confess. I had a (f,c) dress with a white ribbon in the middle and a gem the same color as his eyes attached to it. I'm really nervous. Oh shoot. 10 minutes till 10. I closed the door of my room and started walking to the cafeteria, practicing my confession.
I opened the door slowly and my eyes widened. If it was possible, I loved him even more. He was wearing a tux, and I saw his eyes widen before blushing, same with me.
"Hi Eren." He looks hot. There I said it. I walked to him, admiring the cafeteria, which looked like a wonderland. Eren smiled nervously and handed me some flowers. I feel like I'm about to faint. At the same time we said "I have to tell you something."
"You first."
"No, you first."
This is why we're best friends. We think alike. We both took a breathe in.
"I liked you for a long time, will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?"
We blushed, making a new shade of red. I was happy, and I could tell he was happy too. I looked into his greenish blue eyes and smiled before unconsciously leaning in and closing my eyes.
Eren was a bit impatient, so he closed the gap and I felt sparks. We let go, still blushing.
I really do love this guy. I took the back of his neck and pulled him so we lip-locked again. This time it was more passionate. And Eren put his hands on my hips. After what felt like a year, it was a minute, we let go and put out foreheads together.

"I love you (F,n)."

"I love you too Eren."

Then, we went on the roof and cuddled, looking at the stars happily.

(A.n SO MUCH FLUFF KYAHHH I thought it was adorable -3- What about u guys?)

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