He's dead now...

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Your POV

I hadn't seen Trafalgar for about three days now. Not that I minded, why would I want to be around a man who pinned me down, and strangled me?

However, I know that the only reason we haven't met since then is because he has been actively avoiding me, too. My bedroom door has no lock, and I cook with his crew, so he could easily see me if he wanted to.

But... Since the occurrence those three days ago, I haven't been able to sleep well... The nagging thought of him entering my room while I sleep is constant. I'm beginning to become quite paranoid, and it's making me feel sick.

Just knowing I'm trapped in this tin can miles beneath the surface of the ocean is suffocating.

But maybe... Maybe, if I'm going to be trapped down here with him for a while... I should try and make amends?

"That's my girl! Be brave, go and apologize, even though you did nothing. Don't create problems with him."

I smile. It's a major relief that Sunny is here. Whenever something stressful happens, he tends to disappear, much to my dismay.

With a sigh, I get up and head out my room. I had just rounded the corner toward the Warlord's chambers, when I see the man leaving his room.


I call out. The cry sounds a lot more desperate for his attention than I had intended, and the scathing look he sends me says he picked up on it.

"What is it, ungrateful runt?"

The navy-haired male growled, and I froze in place. 'Runt'? As in, 'runt of the litter'? Does this man see me as weak, even though I stood up to him? That plucked at my patience, but I push aside my anger.

"I... Wanted to say thank you for helping me those days ago. I should've been more grateful, as you did me an honourable favour, so... Yeah, thank you. And sorry for being a burden."

His eyes widen the slightest bit, before lowering to their usual stoic, cold, expression. A small smirk tweaks his upper lip, his hands finding home in his pockets as he walks over.

The prospect of backing away from the intimidating male is quite strong, but I stand my ground. No matter how much both Sunny and Luna scream at me for it.

His black-clad toes almost touch mine within the close proximity, and when he bends down to stoop his head to my level, his nose almost touches mine, too.

The ruffled, feather collar of his dark blue sweater gives him an eerie appearance. Coupled with his glowing yellow eyes, he looks like a creature plucked from the very depths of hell itself.

"Your thanks is accepted. As is your apology. However, please try not to anger me. I'm not a very patient, nor merciful, man."

His voice takes on a low tone, informative, bordering on threatening.

My lips part to speak, but my words find themselves dead with every glance into those bright yellow, animalistic eyes. So, as with every other encounter, I simply nod. He chuckles.

"What's wrong, (Name)-ya?"

His whispers, eyes alight with mischief, lips curled with entertainment. But... There was something behind his eyes. Like, no matter how happy he is, there is forever a lingering emptiness of inside him.

When the male realises he is not going to be drawing a response from me, he straightens up again, stepping back from the boundaries of my personal space.

"A crew member has fallen ill and is awaiting my assistance. While I'm engaged elsewhere, feel free to use my shower again."

I murmur my gratitude, making the man chuckle and walk off down his original route. With a heavy sigh, I quickly head to his room. Intent on washing away the filth that had been sitting on my skin and hair for the past three days.

Time Skip,Law's POV

After a good, long talk with Jean Bart, the ill subordinate in question, it came to my attention that his sickness has stemmed from food poisoning. Bearing in mind who our temporary cook is, I think it's only suitable I scold the female.

With a bored yawn, I open the door to my bedroom. However, as I head inside, I'm greeted by a very naked (Name). Her back is to me, towel crumpled on the floor by her feet. Clearly, she hasn't noticed me yet.

My eyes trail up from the base of her spine, over all of it's notches, up to the back of her head. At the base of her neck, my eyes land on something quite interesting.

A single tattoo sits proudly at the base of her neck. A bold ace of spades.

"Nice tattoo."

I breathe, making her scream in fright. She whips around, and I'm given a fleeting glimpse of her curvaceous body and large breasts. Quickly grabbing the towel from the floor, she wraps it around her body.

"Wh-What are you doing?!"

The woman hisses, face alight with a shockingly prominent blush. Shutting the door, I lean against it, arms folded.

"Coming to my room? What are you doing?"

I chuckle, a single eyebrow raised. At the question, her blush fades. Her eyes drop, and I follow where they look to. Scars, angry and knotted are just visible on her chest below the towel. I frown.

The woman looks in no mind to receive a scolding, especially not from me... God, I don't know what it is about the woman the softens my leniency, but it's annoying.

"So...(Name)-ya... The tattoo, does it have any significant meaning?"

I question, moving away from the door and taking a seat at my desk. Her eyes shadow, nonetheless, she nods. A silence follows after that, and I'm left curious.

"Care to explain?"

She looks up at me with debated, (e/c) eyes. A small frown pulls at her lips, and she sighs, slumping down onto my bed. Holding the towel against her chest, she speaks.

"I... Got it in memory of an old flame... He's dead now."

She whispered, almost incoherently, but I heard it. Blinking, I raise my eyebrows yet again. A small indicator that tells her to elaborate. With a deep breath and quick lip bite, she raises her freshly watering eyes to gaze into mine.

"I believe you're familiar with Portgas D. Ace?"

Please don't kill me ^ XD

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