23: Two friends who lived

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8/4/15- 8/12/15

Status: Revised

Words: 1149

A/N: Shout out to my readers from The Untied Kingdom and The Philippines :D


Quote: "My life doesn't follow words people silently read, but what hurts the most is how I hurt those who are the closet to me, even if they don't know I have. "


Chapter Twenty-Two:

One month, twelve days, 28 hours, 15 minutes.

That's how much it's been since the last time Apollo spoke to me. It was a call. He'd dialed my number, when I refused to answer him, his message went right to my voicemail. The minute I'd listened to his message, I only heard a few words. Apollo asked how I was maintaining with everything, then he said he needs to think about everything. And that was it.

A few hours passed when I found the courage to call him, his phone number was already memorized, but I went to my contacts and called him. He answered with a quick hello.

"How are you?" Apollo asked the same, he was eager to hear what I had to answer. I could lie, but I tell him what I, he, we, want to hear.

"Great," My voice weakens a bit, "How are you?" I question him. I close my eyes and try to imagine him. His green eyes with specks of grey in them, such detail I couldn't forget. My imagination took the visual of Apollo with a grey sweater, maybe some basketball shorts, I want to drag my fingers through his gold-ish brown hair, feel his curls wrap around my fingers like a snake.

"I've been thinking," He answered.

I nod, and I knew he nodded as well. A reassurance when we both couldn't see.

"Amity? can I call you later?" Apollo sounded busy, guilty.

Apollo never called back after that.

Since that certain call, I tried getting into contact with him. But he disappeared in the crowded halls, he refused to acknowledge me in theater class. The only reason why he even spoke a word to me was because it was forced, he had to play Romeo and I his Juliet. Every word he spoke was already planed, already said, already memorized.

After class, he'd forgotten why Juliet died.

My lunch periods consist of sitting alone, since Camri and Apollo got back together. She asked if I wouldn't mind if she spent lunch with him. I said no. It's been a week since we both had lunch together. From where I would sit, I'd noticed how happy she was, constantly smiling and laughing at whatever jokes Apollo told. Camri always kept her hand clasped with his, and never did they glanced my way.

The thing that bothers me the most isn't how they got back together, it's how well they've been gone.

Yesterday was my English presentation, where Mr.Mont had us talk about our pathetic little projects in front of the whole class. He'd had chosen me to go first.

During those 10 minutes of my life I felt like I'd wasted them, now, there was no possible way I'd retrieve those wasted minutes back. I better suck it up and continue on with my life.

Mr.Mont was showing off his new glasses by simply shifting them on and off, contentiously having his glasses in his hand instead of having them on his lean face.

"All right Amity, You're first to go," He had told me, it was more an order than a plead. A simple command expected for all students to follow.

I awkwardly clutch my laptop in my hands and I make my way up to the front of the whole class, their eyes following my every moves, even Camri's green ones. I forced a few coughs trying to clear my throat from anything. And I steal a glance from Mr. Mont who is watching me with attentive questioning eyes.

"Well, I had decided to write a journal for my Creative English class," I had looked at both short entries in my Word document,"I've actually written about two entries and a half. And I've tried so hard to fill in the sheets with words that tell a story, but every time someone ask for mine. My story, I end up telling them I haven't written mines, because I've been living a lie all my life. I recently found out that my mother is alive but either way she'd been dead to me for years." I say, I'm surprised with how loud my voice over powers every subtle sound, but my main focus is Camri. The only person who hasn't gotten the clue on what's happening in my live, I haven't spoken to her in the past days. This get's Camri's attention, "My life doesn't follow words people silently read, but what hurts the most is how I hurt those who are the closet to me, even if they don't know I have. But even so, what sucks the most is having my best friend ignore me. The only thing I'm left to say is how sorry I am," and I find the courage to look at Camri, because this apology is for her, only her, "I'm sorry for breaking so many promises I had intended to keep."

After class, Mr.Mont wanted to talk to me, privately. So after everyone left, I'd missed the chance to encounter Camri who left like the others did when the bell rang. I tentatively tugged my green over-sized sweater, and managed to remain calm.

"That was some beautiful thoughts back there," He said as he took a seat, I remained standing and simply shrugged at his comment, "A lot of guilt and self-loathing might I add." He spoke slowly.

"What are you insinuating Mr. Mont?" I frown clearly confused by his comment, he shifts from his chair to get closer to his over-organized desk.

"I'm not saying or implying that you might be suffering from this-"

"What are you saying?" Again I spoke, this time a bit offended of where this conversation is going.

"That you might be going through something, and you shouldn't be alone. There are people here to help you Amity." Mr.Mont finished and waits for my response.

I look at him like a strange creature from out of this planet. And then I sarcastically laugh seeing him frown, "What makes you so sure?" I mock, clutching my laptop in hand.

"I know you, my student, everyone." He remains calm.

"I'm sorry and trust me I am, but with further respect. What makes you think you know me so well when I don't even know myself?" I shake my head in denial, how I wished I had Camri by my side to tell her this ridiculous theory.

And so I left the classroom, probably not happy with how things went. 


Author's Note:

Hey so as you probably noticed, from now and on my chapters will be about 1,000 words, just because it may soon come to an end. Hope you guy still enjoy it as I enjoy writing them :D

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