Chapter One

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Heya! This is the author! This is my first PineScone(sort of) Fanfiction so the characters may be a tad OOC. I'm definitely go to try my best to not be OOC and I'm going to apologize now. Also, if anyone is interested in editing my work, that would be awesome. Thanks!

Dipper's POV

Mabel squished her cheek against the greasy glass of the bus, eyes wide as she took in the trees.
"Dipper! Look at the giant muffin!" She exclaimed as we passed a water tower that did indeed have some sort of muffin in it.
"Well whoever drew it, it's kind of horrible." I said as I shuffled around in the uncomfortable bus seats.
Mabel gasped indignantly. "You can't just insult someone's artistic skill! I'm sure if I put glitter on it, you would love it. Now, how would I get up there? A grappling hook maybe?" Mabel muttered to herself. "Mabel, you are never going to get a grappling hook." About twenty minutes later, we arrived at 'The Mystery Shack'. "Wow, what a dump." I muttered.
Mabel looked in admiration. "I LOVE it!" I sighed and grabbed my bags, prompting Mabel to do the same. We entered the Shack and an old man in a tux and fez came walking out of a door in the back of the room greeted us.
"Wirt! Where are you! I need you to cover the cash register!" He turned in our direction. "Twins, young, hmmm. Oh! You must be Dipper and Mabel! Here, man the cash register until Wirt comes back from wherever."
He quickly ran off before either of us could respond. "Not it!" Yelled Mabel. "Man. Why do I have to do it?" I asked, slightly exasperated. "Well," said Mabel. "There is a very cute boy over there and I'm going to give him my note!" I got a rag that was on the table and dusted off a jar while Mabel threw her note. "Do you like me? Yes, defiantly, absolutely?" The boy said aloud. Mabel giggled from behind the shelf. "Hehe. I rigged it!"
I sighed, "Mabel, I know you're going through your boy crazy stage, but do you need to flirt with every boy you meet?" I was greeted with a confident yes. I watched as she ran around, flirting with boys and I'm going to have to clean up those postcards won't I. Her spree ended when a fifteen something boy walked into the shop.
"Sorry Mr. Pines! Greg was begging to come and it took me awhile to convince him no, but then he came anyway-!" The man who I assumed to be Grunkle Stan held up his palm. "Shush kid, just go man the register."
He nodded and headed over toward me. I couldn't help but stare as he approached. He has such pretty hair and his eyes were such a nice shade of, no! I can't act like Mabel on some hormone-high! I bit my lip. "Uh. Did Mr. Pines tell you to do this? He's not going to pay you and your mother might be worried and-"
I waved my hands, "No no. I'm his nephew, Dipper'" He widened his eyes in surprise before nodding. "Okay, yeah he told me about you. You have a sister right? Maple?" I shook my head, "Her name is Mabel but close."
He cringed, "Well, uh, I work here. And, I'll just take the register, thanks!" He settled himself in the chair while I awkwardly leaned against the desk. Mabel came bounding over. "Well brobro! Who's this cutie?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me before continuing. "My name is Mabel and my interests are glitter, sweaters, and cute boys~"
She winked. I couldn't help but put my hand to my face. "Mabel. He's at least two or three years older than you." She grinned, "That's never stopped you before." I flushed and and as she did a victory twirl, I flipped her hair over.
"Blegh. Was that nessesary?" "Was that comment nessesary?" She nodded before running over and pulling a bench up next to Wirt. "I'm going to sit here, okay Wirt!" He just nodded with a small smile and went back to dealing with a lady's money.
I really hope I don't like him.

And that's the first chapter! I hope to update soon and please comment! I hope you read my other stories and and following me would be awesome as well. And again, I would love if someone would help me edit/spell check/grammar check my stories. Like not just this one but all of them. Thank you so much! Again, comment, follow and read my other stories. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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