Dante VS Lady

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**32 reads!! jeeezuus anyway, I will do the boss battle then try to go to quicksilver but I dunno anyway BEGIN**

                                            (never mind the walk through says I missed that part........ (*^&$(&#**&%^) Dante dodged Lady's bullets and got behind her starting to cut at her from behind, now she wasn't a demon so he had to be careful not to kill her, after a while of careful brutality and dodging Lady leaned up against a wall and tried to shoot Dante missing by the quicksilver.......which really suck I wanted to write that in, I should do a deleted scenes chapter once this is over

                                                            "here Dante take this" Lady said holding out her rocket launcher once Dante got out of her face "thanks" Dante said as he then continued "I'll get revenge for both of us" he then walked out. Lady went to her knees and cried against the bookshelf

                                                                    Dante killed demons with the rocket launcher feeling the player loving the new weapon,  Dante came across a room, he did some pointless tasks and met a new enemy, killed the abyss and saw a familiar girl "oh you beat me?"ya huh" Ivey said as she pointed at the door "shall we finish this"duh" and they walked through

                                                                   (I looked at my word count and was surprised, "ok I'll add in that pointless level)

                                                                       Dante looked and saw a black version of his devil trigger Ivey saw it too, they then saw how it reacted to light, and immediately started lighting up the place burning the shadow figure and attacking with all their might!! after the health bar of the enemy dropped and faded, it shot itself at Dante and then a mirror replica appeared and he fought it, it copied all his moves

                                                                        "oh great! there's 2!! the world couldn't handle one!" Ivey joked as Dante came back "your just jealous that you can't give double ple-"don't go there!" Ivey interrupted as they left the room and went to the beam of light

                                                                           "time to finish this"let's" and up they went

                                                            (I believe I can fly! I believe that I can touch the sky!!!)

                                                                                     going through a black and white area with the fallen angel things, Dante and Ivey ran past them seeing that the fight would delay earth's chance at not being overrun so to save time they ran past the demon-angel things 

                                     the duo came to a white room and were confused "this room is trippy"defiantly" they walked around and went to a wall thing that had a picture of a previous boss they fought "we have to make a circle by fighting some of the bosses again and then we'll get out" Ivey stated as Dante looked at her confused at her knowledge and then shrugged it off as she knows cause shes demonic 

                                                            "OK so who's first?"Agni and Rudra then Beowulf and Cerberus" Ivey answered as they went to the green gem "here we go again" Dante said as they used the same tactic as before and defeated the 2 and when the came out the green star lit up, they then went to the next boss and repeated the tactic they used for the last battle

                                                                    after they completed the circle a portal opened and the duo went through to a room with a mirror and a demon


                                                                      Lady opened her eyes and looked up to see 2 familiar figures walk by through the door Dante and the girl went through


                                                              Amy walked through the tower and then jumped to the top where the portal was opened "now I can finally beat her, I just have to get the power, and then, kill Ivenya" she laughed then looked up "father will be so proud!"

                         **I plan on making a bio series describing my OCs back stories, cause my OCs will show up a lot so yea, comment if you want to see that, next part may be the last part so yea see you next time**             

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