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Praise the Great Mask,

Oh Dy-lo-ko!

Pick Him gifts,

And find Him love,

Raise your voices,

Make Him Proud.

Hail Him high, oh




The youth of some reptilian kind sweetly sang the simple song, filling the dank blue forest with a vibrant, innocent light. They raced along the grasses with giggles of joy and childish yowls of surprise as a playmate pounced on their tail or a Mrock grumpily avenged his spoiled afternoon. Their claws, yet to mature fully and in some cases almost non-existent, left soft imprints in the navy mud. These little creatures were like a passage of Sojaflies, fluttering beautifully in colourful swarms and supplying an entrancing light for the curious inhabitants to spy.

For the other youths of the forest, this served as a welcome distraction from the horrors of the Shadowed Age. However, for the anxious adults, this was great news indeed. The past time had been ruled in worry for all, the waitng masses left in the dark, forever dependent on the battles fought by those with far bigger roles than theirs. The Battle of Decision would end this war once and for all and tip the kingdoms to the mercy of either an evil foe or a brave hero. The combatants for the battle of Decision were Gor-ma-ko and Dy-lo-ko. The huddled masses slept in their burrows, nests and meadows with unrest and worry, many carefully keeping their ears pricked for the messangers. And at last! The news had come! Families came together and wept in silence.





Please note that I haven't got an update schedule for this story and that I haven't got a firm plot yet, only an extremely basic scetch, likewise I haven't any prewritten chapters for you. So have a read and tell me if you like it :) Critizism is very welcome and flames (why would there be flames?) will be used to roast marshmellows. And it'd be great if you pointed out mistakes sooner rather than later.

For future chapter lengths, my target is 2000+ words, preferably in the 5000s.

I'm sure you Watts (or whatever Wattpad members are called around here) know the drill.

Read&Review! :)

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