Chapter 12-Broken Promises

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Taylor's POV.

Tears were ready to fall.. I tried my best to hold 'em back. My head's spinning non-stop. As soon as I left Harry's place I drove away and ended up in front of this dead Diner. Nobody was in there but an old Lady. Probably the owner or something.

Being the stupid ass that i am, I went inside and slumped on the red & black table and broke down in tears.

Why am I feeling this way? Why am I having second thoughts? Why does it hurt to see Louis like that? What is happening to me? Those were the questions flashing in my head repeatedly.

I love him ..


Harry's POV.

I drowned myself in beer when she left. Nobody's home but me so fuck it. After 4 bottles of beer, I decided it was time to head upstairs.

I was lying awake in my bed, thinking about Taylor. She's been acting weird lately. Well, maybe because Louis kissed her. That doesn't mean anything to her, tho.. Right? She loves me.. I love her.

And Alexa .. oh crap. You know what?! My mind is probably messing with me. That's it .. I just think I like Alexa but I really don't. Yeah. that.

Just as I was about to shut my eyes my phone went off. I immediately grabbed it off my bedside table, hoping to see Taylor's name but no. It was just a text message from .. oh.

So, I heard you and Taylor broke up? Is that why she was spotted checking in a hotel with Louis 20 minutes ago? - Unknown number

My head spun as I crushed the phone with my bare hand.

I got up from the bed and sprinted downstairs knocking everything on my way down. She ... she can't do this to me. She loves me not him. ME. Before I could reach out for the door knob, I heard someone knocking.

I instantly opened it, obviously .. not thinking straight.


Taylor's POV.

I felt a hand behind my back, "ey, pumpkin." A calm voice, cooed. I finally tilted my head up and found the old lady sitting beside me. "I .. I'm sorry. Am I too loud? i can just go .." I began to blab.

"No, love." She smiled, "I noticed how upset you were and since nobody's here.. I decided to say Hi."

"That's really nice of you." I sobbed, The old lady was nice. She's probably .. 60 or younger .. Not quite sure but she's good lookin' for her age.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked with a sympathetic look. "I ..well, .." I hesitated, "I'm getting married in 2 days .. and I know I love my fiance. It's just that .. I think, I like his best friend too." I blurted out, crying my heart out.

She was silent for a moment, smiling. "Well, first of all .. I'm Auntie Claire." she paused, "What's your name, love?"

"T-taylor." I stuttered. "Well, That's a beautiful name .." She gave me a heart-warming smile, "Do you love him?"

I.. I couldn't speak. My eyes were locked with hers but no words came out of my mouth. Silence filled the whole diner and Auntie Claire had this huge grin plastered across her face.

She breathed in and spoke again, "Tell me .. who's the first guy that popped in your head?"

My jaw dropped. I know where this is going .. I know the answer. I do love him .. Harry.

I wiped away my tears and shot her a genuine smile, "Thank you.. thank you so much." I said, tears forming in my eyes again. I was taken aback by the whole thing but she helped me understand my feelings. Louis is important to me but.. Harry's the one.

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