jealous :: kth

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The chant rang up from the audience, with you in the front ready to cheer on your boyfriend Taehyung. This was probably their last performance for In the Mood for Love, so you had reason to be excited. After this, you two would finally have some time to spend together.

:: :: ::

The crowd was on fire, and so were the boys. Anyone would have said it was their best performance yet.

"Okay guys, we're going to take a break now." The boys were halfway through the concert before having a short intermission. At the sound of the crowds sighs, Namjoon lifted the mic to his lips again.

"Only for a minute. We want to give you our best performance yet, so we are taking this short break." With a smile showing his dimples, he followed the other boys off stage. You caught a glimpse of Taehyung before he disappeared backstage, signaling a fleeting wink in your direction. You only shook your head with a grin as some of the girls around you screeched in delight, thinking it may have been meant for one of them.

Some of the girls left to go buy water and other condiments, passing the time until BTS came onstage again. You followed suit, buying a cold bottle of water to cancel out the heat from being in a packed venue. With your water in hand, you made your way back to your seat.

"(Y/N)?" You turned around slightly, not recognizing the voice.


"Hey, it's me--"

As soon as the young man opened his mouth to say his name, a cheer erupted from the crowd as the lights dimmed, signaling the boys' return. You directed your focus back to them; more specifically Taehyung. For some odd reason, that did not stop the man from trying to talk to you every chance he got. You only ignored him, pretending to not hear him over the noise.

If only Taehyung had done the same.

"And now for the outro, we will have a lucky A.R.M.Y come upstage for a special performance." Eyes' twinkling, Taehyung scanned the crowd-- or pretended to as his eyes landed on you.

"How about you right there?" The fans around you moved so that you could make your way onstage, red cheeks for the world to see.

Seokjin only shook his head with a grin as Namjoon snickered in the back.

"And what's your name?"

"(Y/N)." You jokingly rolled your eyes because Taehyung already knew your name.

"Well (Y/N), I need you to love me." The crowd let out an audible gasp as the singer line made a circle around you and Taehyung.

As they started singing 'Love is Not Over,' Taehyung caressed your cheek, his eyes never leaving yours. At the end, he pulled you into his arms, burying your face in his chest.

"I'm sorry A.R.M.Ys, but I really wanted you all to know that I'm dating (Y/N). She's mine." He gave a gummy smile as you looked up at him with a loving smile.

"Guess I was too jealous." Taehyung grinned as he rained kisses on your face as you two walked backstage.

"Not at all Taehyung."



"I love you."

"I love you too silly."

a/n: kms i want this to be me and namjoon. or any member tbh. or jACKSON WANG. goddammit i got in my own feels.

sorry chamomiletae for taking 3000 years okay i procrastinate hard. but i'm sorry :)))

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