daddy :: jhs

884 35 15

request: J-Hope x reader, Fluff, Reader telling J-Hope she's pregnant after they've been trying for a baby! :D

lmao i bet y'all thought this was something else at first

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The sound of your phone ringing caused you to scramble across the couch to where it was sitting on the table. Noticing the caller ID, you gave a soft smile.

"Hey you."

"Well hello to you too."

"What's up? I thought you were in the studio."

Your husband chuckled. "That doesn't mean I can't take time out of my day to tell you how much I love you."

"You're so mushy today Hoseok."

"I can't help it, I love you."

You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't deny that his words made you blush.

"So what are you doing?"

"Hm? Oh, I was just watching some cooking show. You know daytime tv has such a limited selection."

"Well you were the one who got sick and had to stay home."

"I throw up once and you think I'm going to die or something."

"Only because I care."

You could picture his smile as he laughed.

"Well I would appreciate it if you could come home and show me how much you care."

"I think I can make that happen. Give me... about an hour." Hoseok hung up before you could tell him goodbye.

"That was easy." You mumbled to yourself as you stood up.

You ran through the mental list you had prepared for your husband's surprise as you made your way to the bedroom. Satisfied, you focused on getting ready.

'Should I wear something fancy or comfortable? Hm... Let's go with comfortable.'

If Hoseok wanted to take you out to dinner you could easily change. As you finished freshening up you heard the front door open. 


"I'll be down in a second!" Knowing he would probably make his way into the kitchen next, you waited for his next question.

"Hey... Is this box for me?"

"Yes, you can go ahead and open it."

"You know how much I love your surprises."Hoseok's back was to you as you entered the kitchen, eager to see his reaction. Sliding your arms around his waist, you kissed his shoulder before resting your head against his back.

"So, what do you think?" Your voice was low, not sure if he liked it as much as you had anticipated he would.

"We're having a baby?" His voice was equally soft, you almost thought he wasn't talking to you.

"Yes." You answered nervously. This was definitely not the reaction you had envisioned. Before you could ask him what was wrong he spun around and lifted you into his arms.

"We. Are. Having. A. Baby!" Each word was punctuated with a kiss.

"That's more of the reaction I was going for." You chuckled as you kissed him back.

"We have to start planning, oh what color should we paint the nursery? Oh we should also probably move. We'll need the space and there's the school district of course. And we should–"

"Calm down, we have some time."

He smiled as he put you down. "Did you expect any less from me?" 

As he poured himself a glass of water, you took this time to tease him.

"I could never expect anything less from you, daddy." You snickered as he choked on his water. "You might want to get used to hearing that in a different context."

Hoseok only shook his head. "Despite your tasteless sense of humor, I love you."

"I love you too." You paused.



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okay time for a kind of long a/n? idk we'll see. so my first question is what do you guys think?? i tried to be somewhat vague with details because i recall reading something on tumblr saying how most ff was aimed at female readers and i thought if i can make my work inclusive, why not? so i would love some feedback on that.

my second (and probably last) question/talking point is that an overwhelming number of you are silent readers, so i'm not sure if there's a point here i'm trying to make. i was wondering if anyone would be interested in a 'get to know me' kind of thing, because it feels like i just post and go and idk i guess i don't like that? idk. anywho, i hope you guys enjoyed this fluff with cringe-y humor that's probably not even funny!!

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