Dr. Ciminon Boots

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"Alrighty. You ready for your present?" Mommy asked me. She gived me a box. I rippeded the blue and purple stripped paper and opened the box to find a unicorn! I love unicorns and rainbows and butterflies and princesses. I gots him outa the box. It was bright red, kinda like ciminon, with blue feet and a rainbow coloured horn.

"Happy 4th birthday, Layla!" Daddy yelled as he gotted a picture of my new stuffed unicorn and me.

"Watcha gonna name him?" Mommy asked as she knelt down next to me.

"Ummmmm.... Dr. Ciminon Boots!" I saided.

"Do you mean cinnamon?" Daddy asked me.

"Yeah that!" I replied.

I tooked him to my room after daddy and mommy sang me happy birfday and we had chocolate ice cream, and cake. Together, me and Dr. Ciminon Boots went on a adventure!

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Mes and Dr. Ciminon Boots were walking in the forest that rained chocolate milk. And when Dr. Ciminon Boots drunked the rain he poopeded a rainbow! So everywhere we wented there was a rainbow!

After wes were done we went to Mrs. Fat Kitty's house. But when we gotted to her house the Big Bad Wolf's Army was there. They said they were gonna take Dr. Ciminon Boots away cause he was making too much happy with his rainbow poops. I gotted on his back and I rided him back into the forest. The Big Bad Wolf's Army was right behind us so we hides in a cave. Me and Dr. Ciminon Boots knew we was gonna be there a long time so we looked around the cave.

Ahhhh! Dr. Ciminon Boots finded a bear. The bear was purple with a red tummy and had shark teeth. Dr. Ciminon Boots was scared bit he fighted the bear. He tanned the mean bear off and tolded him to never come back.

Me and Dr. Ciminon Boots builds a fire. I got the wood and leaves and he used his magic powers to make fire. I we made brownies and cuppycakes over the fire. They were yummy. After we eated all the brownies and cuppycakes, we sleeped.

Dr. Ciminon Boots waked me up cause he heard someone coming. I gotten on his back then he grows wings and we flies away. His wings were the same colors of his horn.

Roar! Out of nowhere, a shark came by. He tried to eat me but Dr. Ciminon Boots punched him in the face. When he punched him he busted into sparkles. Pretty.

To stay safe me and Dr. Ciminon Boots decided to fly to Princess Sparkles house. She lives in a candy castle on a really big blue, fluffy cotton candy cloud. When we gotted to her castle she welcomed us and let us stay at her house.

One day she told us we could stay there forever and she would keep us safe. We decided to stay. So me and Dr. Ciminon Boots lived together forever and lived happily ever after.

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"Layla, are you ready for bed?" Mommy asked me.

"Yea" I said as I gotted into my bed.

"Good night sweetheart." Mommy told me. "Do you need your night light?"

"Goodnight and no I have Dr. Ciminon Boots here to protect me." With that mommy smiled then closed the door and all went dark. I snuggled down under my covers and pulled Dr. Ciminon Boots closer to me.

Dr. Ciminon BootsWhere stories live. Discover now