See You Tomorrow

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Saturday - 20th June

I'm packing my last things to go to Miami. I can't believe the day has finally come. Been waiting for this to happen for over a year. I can't wait to see the beach, experience a new environment, but most of all, I can't wait to see my friend, Chris.

You see, we've known each other for a year and a half. We met online in 2014 and we got on right from the first conversation. But we were more than just friends, we were in love.  We were in a long distant relationship for a year. I live in London and he lives in Miami.

I know what you must be thinking, why are YOU travelling to see him? Shouldn't he be the one to come to you? Well, he already did. He cam to London as a surprise and we had a great day together.  Yep, we only spent a day, but it was the best day of our lives. From that day, we made a promise that we would see each other at least once a year, and we're sticking to it.

Oh yeah, we broke up because Chris couldn't handle the distance anymore, and I understood. But that was one of the reasons. His main reason was that he met another girl on Miami (They broke up after 2 months). That killed me and I was heartbroken. He begged me to forgive him, and I did. That's why we're still friends today.

Do you have that one person who you can't go one day without talking to? Chris is that person for me.

It's 10:30pm and I just finished packing. Now I'm heading off to bed, gotta wake up early at 5 am to get to the airport. I put on my Avengers pyjama top, climbed on my bed and turned off my light.

As I'm drifting off to bed, my phone vibrates, and I know exactly who it is.
Caller ID:  Young Abugalooo 😎
🇪🇸What up cuz?
🇵🇹Nothing much. What 'bout you, cuz?
🇪🇸Nothing. Why you in bed already? It's 10:45.
🇵🇹I got an early flight tomorrow, remember?
🇪🇸Oh yeah, finally my lil cuzzy is coming here!
🇵🇹Yeah, I can't wait!
🇪🇸I can't wait to see you, doe. For real.
🇵🇹Me too.
🇪🇸Okay my lil cuzzy, Ima let you sleep.
🇵🇹Thanks, cuz. See you tomorrow. You know, it feels weird saying that.
🇪🇸Haha yeah it does. But it feels good too.
🇵🇹Yeah it does. Night cuz
🇪🇸Night cuz. See you tomorrow

Call duration: 1 hr 38 mins

It feels great talking to him, but I know it would feel better being next to him without holding my phone. I really can't wait for tomorrow.

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